_______________________$ _____________________________$$ ______________________________$$ _______________________________$$$ _______________$$$$$____________$$$ ______________$$$$$______________$$$ _____________$$$$$$______________$$$$ ____________$$$$$$$$_____________$$$$ ___________$$$$$__$$$____________$$$$ ___________________$$$___________$$$$ ____________________$$$_________$$$$$ _____________________$$$_______$$$$$ ___$$$$$$$$$$$$_______$$$_____$$$$$ __$$$$______$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ _$$$$_______$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$_____________________$$$ __________________________$$$ ___________________________$$$ Go Lenin (Oh and i know they were not around at the same time but please just humor the debate )
Clean Debate please. No put downs on specific people.
Lenin hands down. I actually like his ideals, in terms of Leninist communism. I hate every other form to an extreme. So that means I hate communism overall.
Hitler was the best politician who ever lived. He could've done great things. Too bad he was insane.
Lenin was a huge inspiration to the Soviet Union. My fammily has lived under his leadership, and lived a great life. so i'd obviously choose Lenin, but i think you should put Hitler vs Stalin instead. It makes more sense then putting Hitler vs Lenin.
You know what didnt make any sense is that Hitler hates people who dont have blonde hair and blue eyes, Yet he he has brown hair and hazel eyes..... so does that mean he hates himself?
Hitler hates people who dont have blonde hair and blue eyes
Though that was the common 'Aryan' look, I'm pretty sure that you didn't have to have blonde hair and blue eyes to be considered Aryan. You just had to be like 99% German.
Well he commited suicide didn't he (obvioulsy had nothing to do with being surrounded in his bunker by some angry communists lol)
He didn't hate people with dark hair etc. just specific people with dark hair (and eyes whatever). A christian with brown hair... fine. A jew with dark hair.... not good.
By 1930 they eeerrr.... started to fail (thoug by this time Hitler was wokring his magic >.> but I think their Golden Era, with the pwetty Dawes Plan, would have faded. It was unstable because it was full of people with opposing ideas. And coalition governments rarely work.
No, I mean if someone besides Hitler got Germany back to its feet. Because the German government of the 1940s was quite strong.
No, I mean if someone besides Hitler got Germany back to its feet. Because the German government of the 1940s was quite strong.
Ok I get you now.... and your right though war does tend to help governments out. It can disguise some problems and serve as a distraction from others and could help the economy (helped to end the great depression)
It's hard to say, the topic started failed to give a pretty good topic intro. I would defiantly side with Lenin as he advocated democracy whilst Hitler advocated extreme segregation against minorities and political idealists.