Before you comment, please, read everything, I'm sure that after you read, your life will be changed.
In the following sentences I will explain how stupid is to not believe in God, and I'm gonna use logical thinking and science.
Either "Everything came from nothing", like the "big bang" , witch is impossible, because nothing can only make nothing, or "Something always existed and made everything" like God.
God made this world, by this world I mean time, space and matter, so if God made this world, He lives outside of time, space and matter which means He's eternal, omnipresent and all-powerful.
For those of you who say that the big bang made the universe, I have this sentence: Nothing is the cause of it's own existence. This doesn't apply to God, because if He doesn't lives in time, He didn't had a beginning, He always existed. If the universe always was then, we could not reach this moment in time, if something is trapped in time, that means it had a beginning.
Every change that happens everywhere in the universe it's more closer to destruction. Second law of thermodynamics: The energy available after a chemical reaction is less than that at the beginning of a reaction; energy conversions are not 100% efficient. The disorder in the universe always increases. With each change in form, some energy is degraded to a less useful form and given off into the surroundings, usually as low-quality heat. The Second Law of Thermodynamics is commonly known as the Law of Increased Entropy. While quantity remains the same, the quality of matter/energy deteriorates gradually over time. How so? Usable energy is inevitably used for productivity, growth and repair. In the process, usable energy is converted into unusable energy. Thus, usable energy is irretrievably lost in the form of unusable energy.
If God didn't made life, then how did non-life, became life? As I said, nothing is the cause of it's own existence, life comes from life, your parents were alive when they made you.
Did you knew that a 2x2 inch capacity full with someone's DNA can sustain 6000000000 times more information then a 140 GB hard drive? I guess you didn't knew, did evolution made your DNA? God made your DNA, of course!
What about the monkeys? If we evolved from them, why they stayed as they are? they took a long coffee break, I guess.
What about the fossils? The scientists say that it takes millions and billions and zilions of years for living tissue to become a fossil, well here's 2 pictures with a cawboy's leg fossilized, enjoy 1#
After all I have showed you, now I'm gonna say that you should accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, because He died for our sins and He didn't ask something from us, just to love our brothers and sisters and to believe in Him. Anyone can ask for forgiveness as long as he or she is not dead, no matter what they did God can forgive them, if they repent from theirs sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. God is mercyful and just, His justice is not denyed by His mercy and this is the reason why God sent His Son Jesus to pay the price for us.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."
Now there could very well have been a person the stories are based on however this does not mean he had magic powers or did anything the Biblical Jesus did. It is very common for a story writer to use a real person for an outline of a fictional character.
We also have to over look at the fact that the basic story of the biblical Jesus mirrors numerous other stories of other figures who preformed miracles died then rose from the grave. All predating Jesus. Just a couple off the top of my head are Mithra and Horus.
Religion is a raffle ticket, you choose one and commit yourself to it and hope yours is the right one, and at the end, no one might have picked the right one.
for those who say the bible is fake, there is plenty of evidence that every thing in the bible happened(plus or minus a few in gensis) just look some one up, like king david. also there is a lot of proof on the exodus from eygpt and the ten plagues. there is writings about the water turning to blood.
Here are some videos outlining the flaws with Jesus being a historical figure.
those videos impress me, not by a nonbeliever, but by a believer view. those first two videos say that all the gospels were within some 10 years of each other. the guy bashes on luke a ton, problem is, luke wrote the gospel 40 years after Jesus' death, you go 40 years and then write a story about the past three years of your life and get everything on the dot, spotless.
My question to you, why do you think your god is the true god?
I'm an atheist for many... many... many reasons. Most likely all my reasons have been mentioned in this thread already. This is a video that should give some perspective on the atheistic view. Don't worry, it's not long. This video best represents most atheists out there...
You don't just simply PICK. You don't just simply get BRAINWASHED. And you don't just simply CONVERT.
Religion is an act of signifying yourself and putting yourself on a higher standard using your faith, Its not about picking your god and believing he is right -- Its about living your life knowing your right, the reason I keep my faith is because I personally see fit to keep it, my faith proves its right. I don't see OTHERS leaving it (I see a few, but people that I know that are successful, for some reason uknown to man, have not).
I believe in "God", I'm not Christian, though. AG seems to have just Atheist Vs. Christian, Lol. But I hope you get where I'm coming from, My faith is not subject to change. My belief doesn't come with a "If False please report to the ... ". It depends on what perspective of life you have, but Atheism and leaving your entire life on not believing in anything sounds like dumping whatever you see amazing in this world (I.E., the amount of data capable of being held in DNA compared to 140 gigs of HDD) onto "idk" just doesn't roll well with me.
Religion is an act of signifying yourself and putting yourself on a higher standard using your faith, Its not about picking your god and believing he is right -- Its about living your life knowing your right,
Living your life knowing your right? That sounds like a rather arrogant and conceded way of thinking.
the reason I keep my faith is because I personally see fit to keep it, my faith proves its right.
How does faith prove anything?
My faith is not subject to change. My belief doesn't come with a "If False please report to the ... ".
Things that don't change tend to get left behind. How do you handle things that contradict your faith do you simply ignore them and pretend they don't exist?
It depends on what perspective of life you have, but Atheism and leaving your entire life on not believing in anything sounds like dumping whatever you see amazing in this world (I.E., the amount of data capable of being held in DNA compared to 140 gigs of HDD) onto "idk" just doesn't roll well with me.
Atheists don't dump everything into an "I don't know" classification. Though there are things really we don't know and rather then filling the gaps with "god did it" we honestly say "we don't know". Then we search for the answers and hopefully we eventually find them.
You see one way promotes growth, the other promotes stagnation.