The series is supposed to become darker as you read. The 6th movie just killed it, they put way to much humor in it and half the movie is just a teenager love triangle.
I have never seen one of the movies and I have never read one of the books .... I just dont like it, it seems like its the same thing over and over and over again, someone tries to kill him they fight and then he lives.... so stupid to me.
The books are good, even if it's objectively for young people, but it's still a great saga. The films aren't that good. The only thing shamefull in Harry Potter is the end of the alst one... The last chapter is just sooo ridiculous, and sooo expected! I can't believe she actually write it...
The books are good. Not the best I have read, but it helped me to get to read more back when I was younger. The last chapter (and/or the last part of the DH) was rather... I hoped she had been bold enough to pull a Stroud, but of course not. Rather it was a Conan > >...
As for the movies, well... I actually liked the latest one. As long as I ignore it is book-to-movie and see it as a film only. Because it lacks a lot otherwise.
I would rather have Stroud or Dostoyevsky, though.
The books are quite good, the movies are slightly above average. I found the last two books disappointing, cause the writer was probably very bored with HP and had not many new ideas, she just wrote them for the money and to end the Harry Potter series.