I went on Facebook a few minutes ago. The top of my home page was Slash saying.
My friend & mentor Les Paul died today at 94, he was one of the most stellar human beings I've ever known, rest in peace Les.
It is very unfortunate that he lost his life today. My dad's friend, who is really good at guitar, went to see him about a year ago. He took his Gibson Les Paul with him and got the man himself to sign it.
I think this topic will get locked since it belongs in media/music section and btw I've never heard of the guy..
Yeah, I agree with Shyla. It is a World Event. Even for people who didn't like him, it's still a World Event because it happened. Wait-You've never heard of Les Paul?! He created the electric guitar!
Ever heard of Les Paul guitars? Pretty high quality, I've heard.
Well, coming from a guitar player, they are good, but they're way overpriced. He's the guy that created solid body electric guitars, not just the Les Paul guitar.
He was #46 on the best guitarists of all time list by Rolling Stone. Pretty good, being a horrible list.
Well in my opion i'd expect to see something like this in media or music not world events seeing as how he had to do with music and he was a celebrity from what I hear of and celebrities don't belong in world events unless they do something important (other than music)...