Do you think people have a right to choose their own time and manner of death? Or do you think that such decisions are going too far, for whatever reason? Does your opinion vary depending on the circumstances involved, or do you think your beliefs apply regardless of the particular situation (ie no killing allowed under any circumstance)? How do you think beliefs regarding the ending of life are affecting the world's culture today?
I think, for one thing, it's mostly circumstancial, so I can only make estimated guesses on what they should do. But I think that people should be allowed to die if they are physically suffering and won't recover (or at least won't recover for a long time). Emotional pain, I would think, can be overcome mentally if you know the tricks. Same thing with psychological disorders. I think in these cases it's important to give life all you can, and try to overcome it. Of course, like I said, there are circumstances. I think beliefs regarding the end of life, outside of euthanasia, are treated a bit poorly in nowaday culture. WITHOUT stating my own opinions, you could assume that people treat unborn baby's lives without respect, or that people treat death row criminals' lives without respect, or civilians in war, etc. I'm not stating my opinions on these specific issues, because like all issues, they are circumstancial, but I think one could assume that life in today's culture is treated very poorly compared to what we could be doing.
I believe killing is wrong and that life is a precious thing. Having said that, there are extenuating circumstances that could justify such acts. For example; someone is in immense pain from a serious illness and they know they're going to die. My opinion is that assisted suicide is a choice they have the right to make. Also, no one has the right to say whether a person should live or die; we're all entitled to our lives however we decide to live them.
Well I don't think think that people should be able to choose to die whenever they want. But if they're old, hooked up to machines, and dieing anyway, then I don't see anything wrong with it. No ones going to obtain anything through them laying in bed all day.