ground-(i suggest fascist but if u want u can choose capitalist,communist is highly NOT recomended)
hover regen- start off with a bank then a hospital (set on recup or watever so u can gain mp) (mp=man power) then armoury set it on mp gathering
then make a out post upgrade to tier 3 (i suggest u make a few marines,not many just like 10)
then spam hover tanks and medics make sure u have 10-20 medics behind ur hovers ( the more the better)
ground - hover tank spam
make three armourys set them all to mp gathering the make n outpost and upgrade to tier 3 (set all the armourys to cash gathering when u fist make em untill u got enough to make a tier 3 outpost) ( tier 3 outpost -150$ in all)
then spam hover tanks
im really lazy u guys can make this one ill give u guys tips nd correct any mistakes
For ground, i get 95+ % wins by doing 0. be capitalist 1. hospital 2. a medic sent out for 3 influence, then use hospital for manpower 3. an outpost 4. auto-building chronite tanks with rally point off 5. sending meds with influence. KEEP THEM BEHIND THE TANKS!
Alternate: 1. bank 2. hospital (set to manpower) 3. outpost 4. auto-build tanks with rally point on 5. meds when possible with influence 6. a second hospital when possible 7. send when they either have no outpost, are glitching/hacking, or get hovers or snipers.
I've gotten a 34 streak with this, all you need is a good partner.