ForumsWEPRHitler vs Stalin

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238 posts

(I don't think this topic was made yet).

I made this topic because people in the "Hitler vs Lenin" topic said they would have preferred this (Hitler vs Stalin).

So post what you think... I think Hitler was the better and smarter man.

  • 310 Replies
539 posts

you do know that what the great leap forward has caused was never the intention of them right? it's not like stalin and hitler that he wanted all these people to die.

He didn't want them to die? Hmm, okay, so he ordered them to be allowed to be starved? He ordered them to be beaten to death? He ordered thousands to be shot?

If he hadn't intended them to die, he made a bit of a boo boo, because if you starve someone, beat them then shoot them, the chances are they'll be dead.
5,129 posts

most of the deaths. (if i remember right around the 80%) was because of starvation. this happend because in the 1st 4 year of the great leap forward. the people were ordered to kill all sparrows as beings 1 of the animels in the "four pests campaign" later replaced by bedbugs

mao actualy thought he was doing the right thing for the people by making lots of communes, deliver all grain in 1 place and then distribute it among the people.
because of what happens whit the sparrows there was not enoufg grain and the warehouses stayed closed because they didn't know who to deliver to.

it is all more a case of slow and miss management then just wanting to kill people like hitler and stalin.

as for the shooting, those were bad and i don't know the story behind it. maybe it were some kind of rebels or something just out of ww2 i bet there are alot of guns around for a violent rebelion.

539 posts

Been looking at Wikipedia again have we? As that is almost exactly how Wikipedia documents the events.

What Wikipedia doesn't document is the killings of innocent civilians, the people denied food, the people denied medical attention. Sparrows? Are you joking? So Mao ordered people to be denied food, and you want to blame it on birds?

From what you remember? Don't make me laugh. Read a few paragraphs on Wikipedia and all of a sudden you 'remember' the events that happened years before your birth and events that are not taught in any Western school? Please forgive my response being so blunt, but you don't really know anything about this do you? You're just playing up to the bigger boys and hoping that you can debate with a few scant bits of information about an event that previously you had no knowledge of.

as for the shooting, those were bad and i don't know the story behind it. maybe it were some kind of rebels or something just out of ww2 i bet there are alot of guns around for a violent rebelion.

So some kind of rebels had the guns did they? They saved them for 14 years and then shot people who didn't agree with Mao on the other side of the world?

Seriously, if you don't know what you're talking about, do everyone a favour and stay out of the conversation. Wikipedia and complete BS can't compensate for having a knowledge of history, as you've just proved. And think, just think for just a moment how many people died at the hands of Ze-Dong and in one post, you've trivialised it to a rebellion and birds!
5,129 posts

Been looking at Wikipedia again have we?

just check the sources if you think it's wrong.

From what you remember? Don't make me laugh.

remember from searching on the subject more intensively.
something i didn't do again and aint gonna do again since it's only been a year or so.

Seriously, if you don't know what you're talking about, do everyone a favour and stay out of the conversation. Wikipedia and complete BS

"i don't know the story behind it. maybe it w..."
90% of wiki is not fake and you can always check the sources.
i dunno if the 1 gave has any good sources it's the only1 i had bookmarket ive been reading many pages about the great leap forward. and they do have good sources.
539 posts

Without referencing to Wikipedia, list them.

90% of Wikipedia is not fake, I agree, but it appears you've been referencing to the 10%.

46 to 78 million dead and you want us all to believe it was an accident? That Ze-Dong wasn't responsible and possibly some rebels got hold of guns to shoot people when it is known that Ze-Dong ordered the execution of entire villages with (and you'll struggle with this) guns!!! Did China not have guns? Did they grab them from other people in WW2?

If you'd admitted you'd referenced to Wikipedia today to try to argue the point, you'd have escaped this with some credibility. Instead you've grabbed a shovel and kept on digging. Good luck with that... so these sources you have... care to list how Ze-Dong managed 46 to 78 million deaths of his own people by accident, or by him thinking he was doing the right thing as you stated earlier?

539 posts

Just a quick note, I'm currently on Wikipedia and have the edit panel open. Would you like me to add into Wikipedia that PartyDevil ordered the shooting of several thousand civilians in China?

It really is that easy you know. You can edit any part of Wikipedia any time you want. You don't have to qualify yourself, just add in those edits as you see fit.

See my point?

5,129 posts

this page gets watched daily by loads of people. and wiki staff.
all changes are monitored. put it in and see if yourself it's gone in some days.

4,005 posts

While I fully realize these things Dewi, and even agree with most of them, the issue is that WE are one of those species which could become extinct. I could really give a rat's arse about the fluffy bunnies tbh (unless I'm hunting/cooking them). I do think that we would be remiss to ignore the repercussions of our impact on our habitat and to keep that in mind when developers are pushing to clear more forests, create new subdivisions, and get rid of wheat fields so they can put up shopping malls.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Not at all. Poor people can't afford education (especially sexual education), contraceptives, medicine, or anything else which we take for granted. This is precisely why we see the number of offspring a couple has tends to decrease proportionate to their education levels and income. Basically more educated and well-off couples realize the costs of reproduction and can take measures to not bear more children than they can reasonably support.

Sorry, my point didn't come out too clearly. Someone mentioned that overpopulation means not having enough resources to sustain a population; my point was that it was a two sided problem, the huge increase in the number of humans caused by the poorer nations, and the huge lopsidedness in resources caused by the richer countries.

Not that it was funny that poorer countries happen to be baby factories.
297 posts

i don't know who's stalin but that doesn't matter because hitler is a ******************************************************* killer without a heart

539 posts

i don't know who's stalin but that doesn't matter because hitler is a ******************************************************* killer without a heart

Was. He committed suicide rather than face up to what he'd done.

I find it remarkable how many people don't know who Stalin was and what he did to his own people.

But then what Hitler did was covered by the media and photographs emerged of his crimes, particularly against the Jews:

But like wise with Ze-Dong. We didn't see pictures of what he did to his own people, so relating to it is more difficult than relating to what Hitler did.

All three were monsters, but history, particularly Western history concentrates on Hitler's atrocities and tends to ignore the rest. This is sort of proven by the fact that people are ignorant to what Stalin and Ze-Dong 'accomplished' through their dictatorships.
16,287 posts

i don't know who's stalin but that doesn't matter because hitler is a ******************************************************* killer without a heart

as a history buff you make me sad, please open a book on history some time.

He was as much a ******* as Hitler for different reasons, he killed his people to keep control, at random. also killing any competent officers that would have ended the war on the eastern front quickly, leaving old, senile, and loyal officers who still thought Russia can still throw millions of people in one direction and win.

they tie in my opinion
214 posts

well I really don't know which one to go for since I only ever studied German History to a full extent so my vote would be biased. Although Hitler probably is getting more votes because historically he is more 'opular'. He was a super genius, his rise to power and becoming furer were unbelievable, how not a single act he did could have led to him feeling the power of the judicial system. It was trully phenomenal but from what I know Stalin was not only a terror among foreigners but a tyrannical monster amongst his own people. Personally responsible for mass genocides, violation of countless human rights against his own people.

So all in all I vote Hitler purely because he didn't persecute his own people (the germans not the jews, they weren't considered humans by Hitler).

214 posts

******************************************************* killer without a heart

wow i would love to know what that long line profanities were.

Do some research mate, Stalin was a menace just as bad Hitler, many would consider him to be worse but Stalin isn't as popular as Hitler so the knowledge of him amongst most people is very vague and unfound.
16,287 posts

So all in all I vote Hitler purely because he didn't persecute his own people (the germans not the jews, they weren't considered humans by Hitler).

Yes he did there were quite a few Jews in Germany
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