I like Green Day better but Kings of Leon are good too.
Why would they need to be compared? I'm not a huge fan of either, but "Black Thumbnail" makes me vote Kings of Leon.
I hate both bands, but I'll go with KoL.
I like green day before 2003 so it's KoL.
I'm with Green Day. Haven't listened to Kins of Leon yet.
green day
Neither are really my type of music.
If they give you 2 choices you take one.
i like greenday muc better tan kol.
I strongly dislike both of them lol...but I guess greenday could be a band a dislike a bit less?
I used to like some Green Day but their new stuff is horrible.I'll go with KoL for now, but I still haven't heard much of it yet.
KOl, simply for 'Holy Roller Novocaine.'Though Green Day isn't bad.
Greenday have made some good songs, I find Kings of Leon boring. So my opinion is that greenday are better.
I hate the chorus for "Use somebody". And Sex on Fire? Pffft.Green Day!
green day!
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