Definently not the best one ever. Either a bad photsoshop job or it was a stamp of some sort.
Er... You need to put in some different lighting around the pickles to make it look better...And the angle of the camera doesn't exactly help.
It looks like someone photoshopped it to me =/
They don't blend with the background good enough
Totally added, nothing makes it look real.
i think it is believable
Not really....u can see that the pickles are added....
The pickles are cartoony, not believable.
it's one of the most ridiculous questions out there. that is clear the most unbelievable picture i've seen in a while.
i wish i could see one in real life haha
I believe in them. I saw one the other day.
yeah photoshop.and its not even used by someone who knows how to do your homework and present again. this time better.the way it is done now it is totally unrealistic
lol no way unbelieveable
LOL unbelievable
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