I personally try to accept everyone for what they believe in. The problem with the world is that people try to force their opinions on others. yes I'm a Christian, and yes you're an atheist or he's a pagan, or he's Muslim...etc. Whatever. Believe what you want to believe because your beliefs shouldn't affect mine and they don't. I respect people more for standing up for what they believe in. Stop pitting Christians against Atheist or whatever belief against another it just causes more strife.
Hating gays is also wrong because if a person truly follows Christianity or whatever you will love your neighbors and not judge them for being gay. Telling someone they are going to hell and fire and brimstone is going to get you isn't going to help ANYONE. Accept people for who they are and what they do. No one has the right to judge anyone else because no one knows who is going to hell or heaven or wherever.
I agree 110%. Beliefs should get in the way of life. I may be atheist, but just think about it; Would your deity(s) want you living an unhappy life because of your religion? I think not.
I also think it is absurd to protect your religion at all times. You should just believe what you believe and leave it at that. Of course, that above statement will probably never come true. As Einstein said, "As long as there are men, there will be wars"
true. The persons who hate any different belief from theirs are hypocrites. They show that they care about their religion, but they don't. They are greedy hypocrites, who hate anything different, for the reason that they can't have it.
To the OP - Did you just learn about these issues or something? People hating other people is old news man :P And as for hypocrisy...yes everyone is a hypocrite at one point or another. It's impossible to deny simply because it's a fact.
To the OP - Did you just learn about these issues or something? People hating other people is old news man :P And as for hypocrisy...yes everyone is a hypocrite at one point or another. It's impossible to deny simply because it's a fact.
What was the point of your post again? Yeah duh it's old news but it doesn't make them any less important. People starving is old news but it's still there does it make that any less important? or worthwhile of talking about?
Ok so you want me to say something like...ya I agree with you about what you said at the beginning? I do....yay... there are different topics that you can voice opinions about gay rights and such. I'm just saying that making a topic about it is kinda pointless.