I thought I would create this because some people like these. I put it here as opposed to the AMW forum do to a higher interest in politics, religion, etc. here.
I'm going to try for a merit prize for the winner, as well as being a potential judge for the next round. After all you can't win twice in a row. This will allow me to write my own essays and not judge every round. That will also allow more people to judge rounds.
I will personally have 'executive' powers to overthrow a decision if it involves to much political bias, which is a no-no when being a judge. There will be three places. If the first place winner doesn't wish to be a judge, or can't, it'll go to second place. Then down to third. Then back to me. Although I find that unlikely.
Here's the judging rubric of sorts:
Organization & Flow: Depends on how well it flows, which goes hand in hand with organization.
Bias: Believe it or not, there is this to judge. I want minimal bias, with the exception of what you're actually going for. For, against, or neither.
Grammar: Good grammar will get you far!
Facts: I want completely straight facts, nothing made up or twisted. We don't want to be the American mass media here.
That should be all. I'll post the topic when I wake up. If this hasn't died by then.
I will participate if the topic is interesting. It's a great idea and worth doing, whatever the outcome of this will be. ps. Good luck with the thread!
It seems like a decent idea, but I always wonder how come people think this up, but tries to get other to judge? Yes, I know you want to take part as a contestant with your own essays, but just as Zophia and I was taking part (without being able to win), you could be the judge, at least for a month or two to see if this is actually something that people have interest in, and is able to work for, instead of putting it up and hoping someone else will grab the chance of being judge (There is probably someone who will, since, besides the chance of getting a merit, people love the power of being a judge).
So I will tell you good luck with this project, and give the piece of advice to wait for Carlie returning, and ask her. She seems to be more keen to support contest ideas than any of the mods.
Yes, I know you want to take part as a contestant with your own essays, but just as Zophia and I was taking part (without being able to win), you could be the judge, at least for a month or two to see if this is actually something that people have interest in, and is able to work for, instead of putting it up and hoping someone else will grab the chance of being judge (There is probably someone who will, since, besides the chance of getting a merit, people love the power of being a judge).
The reasons why I allowed a judge every round is because chances are people would like to be a judge, but normally can't. And due to the fact they can't win twice, they would probably like to judge the next one. At any time I would be able to override their decision, if it gets a bit immature. I trust the winner to be mature about it.
And yes I would like to write my own papers. Also, I'm extremely unreliable in prolonged amounts of mind and time consuming things. So it would give me a potential break.
Mav hit it right on the nose.
If it's something interesting I'll consider paticipating.
Oh and one other thing, to keep it short for you guys and not so reminiscent of school, the essay should be above 750 words, and goes about to 1,250. Of course it can be as long as you want, so long as it gets the point across. Just above 750.
As opposed to some really long ones I've had to write >>.>>
Here's some of the major issues that I'd consider writing about...
-gay rights -abortion -the economy -environment -North Korea
If you decided not to pick a political issue though, I always enjoy writing about my views on how ______ affects the human mind. Psychology type of stuff, and I'm fairly interested in sociology as well.
That's just me though. I think you should probably make the topic an issue that's happening all over the world, that way it won't be confined to only the U.S.