ForumsWEPRInternet Obsession

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I read an article in the paper called "Facebook fatigue" which stated that in the UK we can't sleep at night because we're on facebook. Is armor games an exception to this internet obssession? For me, No. It's 5:25am. Is it us or technology that creates this addiction?

  • 29 Replies
755 posts

Plus, sseing friends isn't addicting, far as I know...

everything can be addicting. even seeing friends.

it's clear that internet provides a false feeling of friendship, as it can be seen with facebook or other meeting places...

well it depends on the usage of facebook or other meeting places.
you can use them, to be able to communicate with your real life friends who live or are at the moment far away or simply seek a debate with people of different opinions.

Stop this moralistic speech, doesn't work with me.

well i am not being moralisitc, i just beg to differ between opinions and fact mixing.
if you think something is stupid or useless you are free to do so, and i will not try to force my point of view upon you.

but if you call something addicting because of a symptom(in this case staying up late), then this is valid for all other activities to.
an addiction is a clearly defined medical term and if the symptoms that occur during an activity seen as a addiction, repeat themselves during another, than in both cases we have addictive behavior.
social acceptence or favoring something doesnt make it less addictive.
360 posts

everything can be addicting. even seeing friends.

Yes, but far less than playing games...
well it depends on the usage of facebook or other meeting places.
you can use them, to be able to communicate with your real life friends who live or are at the moment far away or simply seek a debate with people of different opinions.

Or you can use e-mails, unstead of facebook, but I really don't like facebook so I won't be objective on this...

And, I still think it's more interesting to see friends that to spent time on the internet with people you barely know...but, again, it is my opinion, and I think we don't agree on this...
Anyway, a forum isn't a great place to debate...
786 posts

I like getting it on but I don`t care if I cant its not top priority so i guess Im not addicted

434 posts

I am definitely no addicted. I mean I will get on once in a while when I am not doing anything else.

755 posts

And, I still think it's more interesting to see friends that to spent time on the internet with people you barely know...but, again, it is my opinion, and I think we don't agree on this...

we might even more than you think. it was never my intention to prove internet being better than friends. and i think i never did. #

Yes, but far less than playing games...

it depends only on what you like, and how many things next to meeting friends you like.
in my opinion always, when you have basiclly only one or two things you like you are more endangered to become addicted to it, then when you have more activities you regularily do.

Anyway, a forum isn't a great place to debate...

its the people that make a debate great or not. never the medium
996 posts

Well, I consider that going on a computer till 5AM is an addiction, and/or stupidity..
Maybe you are understanding him wrong... There's a possibility that he just got up and is checking the forum before going to work. During the school year, I get up a 5am. While waiting for my ride, I check Facebook and AG... Not a big deal. Now, my mom is addicted to Facebook!
360 posts

Not a big deal???
Man, you look like this nerds who connect themselves to WoW when they wake up to see how beautiful is their character...
CHeck facebook and a forum at 5???
This is truly ddiction...

755 posts

CHeck facebook and a forum at 5???
This is truly ddiction...

it would be an addiction i someone would wake up at 5 on purpose to spend some hours on the forum before working or school, and mostly end up not going, because the forum is not important.

i do not see a problem with booting the pc in the morning and taking a look through email, forums etc.

so since you do not know the behavior of the person over the whole day, you cannot judge him/her and say hes an addict.

such as problem gambling and computer addiction. In these kinds of common usages, the term addiction is used to describe a recurring compulsion by an individual to engage in some specific activity, despite harmful consequences, as deemed by the user himself to his or her individual health, mental state or social life.

here is a nice definition of a computer addict.
360 posts

Well, maybe I just don't see how, when you wake up at 5o'clock, you may have the will to go on the internet...
The only think I'd like is to sleep or eat something before going school or anywhere...

755 posts

Well, maybe I just don't see how, when you wake up at 5o'clock, you may have the will to go on the internet...
The only think I'd like is to sleep or eat something before going school or anywhere...

you are certainly able to do both.
as said before in order to judge the internet behavior better, we would have to know more about it than one statement.

but yes if someone wakes up earlier on purpose in order to go online than this is a bit weird.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Internet Obsession

I had that.
Nope I still have it. I am not cured.
670 posts

well I dont think im obsessed with it ..... oh wait yea you know what I am .... I have an Internet Obsession but only cause I have nothing better to do at night

4,097 posts

With this email, forum, etc, thing at 5 am you guys are talking about, I do it all the time. I'll get up, get dressed, etc, then then sit down with a bowl of cereal and check emails. Just to keep updated on what's going on. Then if I have the time I might check the news or something. It would only be an addiction if you wake up excessively early just to go online and do something pointless. Like if I was waking up at 3 am every morning to play Halo or something.

1,051 posts

I've stayed up until 2 or 3 am to be on armorgames/youtube/facebook.

I wasn't going to fall asleep anyway. Might as well enjoy myself on the computer.

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