Do you think that Slash was better off with Axl or now with Fergie?
Well I liked Guns 'n Roses when they were in the 80's. you know like Sweet Child 'o Mine and Welcome to the Jungle Their new album Chinese Democracy is one of the biggest let downs ever. In fact GR should be called Axel Rose Band. So I'm going to say Slash( or Saul something ) was better with Axel.
Slashie was much better with Axlie than with Fergie. Face it, nobody is good with Fergie.
I agree with deserteagle.They were a whole lot better with Axl.
It had to have been with Axl. Velvet Revolver has gotten almost nowhere while Guns & Roses are one of the best bands of all time.
Axel made the band. When John Llennon broke off from the Beatles, did they continue? No. They did one final tour and that was it, because they realized John Lennon was the man who made the band.
why even botheer asking lol.... definitely axl
definitely axl.
Face it, nobody is good with Fergie.
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