what did u think of the movie 17 agian. i just saw it today. i liked it, but maby that's just because i'm into all that sex stuff, and that movie was filled with it.
Dude, that **** is just a piece of sh*t. They make movies so the artist gets popular, and more money. There is no true film art.
Man, the guy's login is Twilightlover, do you expect him to have decent tastes? Ok, that was rude, i'm sorry, TWilight is indeed a great film, with great actor, and certainly isn't an average teenage movie with adaptation of the vampire myth to make money...not at all...
Ok, that was rude, i'm sorry, TWilight is indeed a great film, with great actor, and certainly isn't an average teenage movie with adaptation of the vampire myth to make money...not at all...
I've been gone for three or so months now because my family moved and grandmother died of Cancer. So I've just been on...temporary 'vacation'.
i think that the older movies were greater, and these days movies aren't that good....
Not really, some remakes are better than the originals however remakes like this tend to be horrible because this is probably the biggest rip-off of them all. How many times can we watch a movie where some screw-up goes back in time and gets the chance to live their life the right way? This movie is no different than 18 Again 17 Again, 15 Again...and so on.
since yourn name is twighlight fan i am guessing your a teenaged girl in which case i am not surprised of this you likeing a terrible move but please dont say you like terrible movies out loud you should be embarresed
Check his profile. According to it, he is a male.
i am not a girl. and besides twilight is a awsome movie and book. and it's not just for girls. plus i love dirty movies. lol