
25 5107
101 posts

Have u ever thought about human life and what do now and in the past? I been thinking along those lines lately and these are my thoughts.

Humans are pathetic. They fight and complain over the most trivial matters. We cannot get along. Money rules humans and what ppl do 4 it is insane. We fear the smallest things such as bugs, but yet are not afraid to kill each other instead of getting along. World peace is impossible with out threatening all life on Earth. Humans don't care about others they do not know, shun who they think that are 'lower' humans away from them, and can care less about the world around them. Some humans even go to the extent of not caring 4 a single thing around them.

Humans are, in my opinion, a parasite of the Earth, and possibly the universe. They feed off of there own personal pleasures and do everything in there power do make sure that need is satisfied. They will ruin the enviorments around them just for there survival and mostly in the act of 'rogression'. They enslave lower organisms just 4 their pleasure, and some times torture and kill their captives. Humans always will have an unsatisfied lust for power.

This was more of a brainstorm, but these are my thoughts and if u would like to debate or add to this go ahead, but keep it nice with no flaming plz.

  • 25 Replies
584 posts

I have an array of arguments I could use at the moment, but I just think you are depressed, jealous, furious at someone(s), or any combination of the three. I say this because that post wasn't rational at all. That was an emotional(irrational) post.

4,536 posts

You know what? I think this way when I am depressed (Often. It may be chronic). And while it's true that there are horrible, evil, or plain stupid people in the world... you can't say all of mankind is like that. It's simply not true. There are good people in the world that try to maintain the biosphere, reduce/stop crime, etc. I would say there is a some greed and selfishness in everyone, but it's not prevalent in everyone. It needs to be... how should I put this... "incubated" by a few factors. That person's environment, events in their life, and the like. Some people might just be evil with no explanation, but still.

And that "lust for power?" It can be contained. Hell, even I have one, but I don't need it nor do I act upon it, being 14 and all.
'Course, that's not much of an argument, being 14 and all.

And yes, while people do hurt the environment and destroy habitats... Eh, I have no argument against that. We should stop or reduce our environment destroying. Find better resources...

/typical angst-ridden teenage philosophy

Yerp. I'll vouch for that.

/tired, likely irrational rant
2,202 posts

I hate everyone I meet usually and I'm in a bad mood 24/7 so that is how I think all the time.

4,536 posts

I hate everyone I meet usually and I'm in a bad mood 24/7 so that is how I think all the time.

How very pleasant.

You really hate everyone you meet? Even me? D:
2,202 posts

How very pleasant.

I am a charm to be around aren't I?
You really hate everyone you meet? Even me? D:

In a sense yes, it's not an outright hate. It's just every little thing annoys me XD
*gives cookie* Better now?
476 posts

You know what? I agree with you. We are a horrible race if you think about it.
But I also believe there is a balance. We all have bad thoughts and have made mistakes, but that doesn't mean there isn't a conflicting part of us that wants to help others, and would give up anything for someone else. Sometimes evil wins, sometimes good wins. It's not black and white.

567 posts

This seems like a really weird and sad topic

589 posts

This topic is getting a bit out of control, nevertheless...
Humans have a basic survival instinct and if surviving means hurting or harming something or somebody else, as long a I live everthing will be ok in my mind.
We are truly a selfish race.

1,251 posts

@ the first post

I'm not gonna lie, most if not all of what you said is true. However it may have been 12,000 years of our existence but that's still rather primitive. The world has been around (by world I mean Earth) of BILLIONS of years. There's still more mental evolution to take place for humans to realize that killing other humans, even with advanced weapons isn't advanced... it's very much primitive. However... will we be able to realize that before our time comes because of future super weapons?

Well I have faith in the human race, I know there will be much more killing ahead of us but eventually, probably after millions of years there will be peace on Earth. That probably sounds religious, but I don't believe in any religions so maybe that says a little something.

Anyways, that's all guessing right now we are selfish and primitive but things change

87 posts

i like to think i`m nice,but i have a dark side,don`t we all?

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