ForumsWEPRLockerbie Bomber released on "compassionate grounds"

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For those who don't know about the situation, here is a quick run-down. In 1988, a Libyan man named al-Megrahi bombed a Scottish airplane (Pan Am Flight 103). The bombing killed all 259 people on board. The plane exploded over the town of Lockerbie, and debris fell to the town killing an additional 11 people on the ground. Al-Megrahi was on the run for a long time. He was finally captured and sentenced to life in prison in 2001.

Recently, al-Megrahi was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer. He appealed for a release on "Compassionate Grounds." The head justice of Scotland, Kenny MacAskil, approved of the release about 15 minutes ago.

I am horrified and disgusted by this. Al-Megrahi served just 8 years for this terrible crime. That's about ten days per person killed. He was released so he could spend his final moments with his family. Well what about the 270 he killed? They did not get to spend their final moments in comfort, in the presence of their family.

What are your thoughts on this?

  • 4 Replies
950 posts

I find this to be a little grotesque as well; why is it logical to let a murderer out of jail that killed 259 people just because he has prostate cancer? He isn't 259 people and he isn't going to die right away. Billy shoots his entire school and kills everyone inside however Billy gets let out of a life sentence in jail because he has superaids?

887 posts

I don't really care much, he has cancer so he's going to die anyway.

950 posts

What about the 259 people that died that didn't have the luxury to die in the comfort of their own homes around their families? Al-Megrahi will now has that priveledge only because he has cancer. The court seems to have completely disregarded all of those lives lost in the name of a terrorist with cancer.

887 posts

What about the 259 people that died that didn't have the luxury to die in the comfort of their own homes around their families? Al-Megrahi will now has that priveledge only because he has cancer. The court seems to have completely disregarded all of those lives lost in the name of a terrorist with cancer.

I don't care.
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