i personally think that this movie was feakin cool
i only watched end part but i was unpset bez of his dog i love german chaperds
the first half wos good the secong half wos dumb
Its was a really good movie and the book was just as good too:-)
i based my email address on this movie.Its one of my favorites!
I loved the movie:-0
Best freakin' movie EVA!!!- THECATTYGRL XD
That movie is quite good, I agree. Love how they achieved this abandoned city atmosphere, and the tension throughout the movie. But the end is very disappointing.
That was a great movie. Will Smith is awsome, and he can solve the Rubiks cube. We have so much in common.
^^ Haha.I personally liked the movie alot. But I could predict some parts, but not really the end. Over all, 8/10.
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