This is like those w destroy the wall and mystery box game.I will make an enemy and you can cause damage.Please be real things and no nukes or atom bombs.
Heres the first enemy:
Amy the Tank! Hp:1000 Immune to:None Protection:None
Ghost Girl & ghost boy Girl-600HP Boy- R.I.P. description:Ghosts cant physically hit but i will allow those attacks Protection: none
fractalman: 500 damage before obscure stops you. jj: quick processes please hob: 300 damage Guthex: 200 damage. Heyjake: she duels you and you lose Obscure: she breaks up with you, she doesn't want you to go though the pain of watching her die when you still have emotional attachment to her.
i try to be friends with the girl and boy and tell them that i dont wanna die and i have the ability soul touch as i call it(i really do in rl)and that ability allows me to touch ghosts souls spirits demons all that stuff and i say that im on their side and is trying to help them
um... you simply summoned didn't have it fire, defend, or it is therefore logical to conclude it will have no actual effect. :-| .