Who likes fred.
Fred can be pretty annonying, but can also be pretty funny....
Fred is a waste of ones time.
Fred is a high pitched 14 or w/e yr old kid with no frickin life who sits in his house and screams into his moms camera...
I hate Fred sooooo much. http://www.southpoleofthemoon.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=114
i hate fr3d! hes a fagot that kids think is funny! all he does is punch himself in his puny ballsack and talk in a high pitched voice
He never actually tells a joke!
He doesn't have to. His whole act is a joke.
FRED is one of the best comedians that ever lived
I used to like him but the same stuff happens now it's really dumb.
I like stupid stuff, but it's TOO stupid to be funny. Btw, Spongebob pwns!
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