So, since my last competition was pretty much a discussion, I'll now close that and move over to this general colony discussion (the others are all specific)
I know that, but it would seem pretty improbable that someone would first of all check their friendlist or even know about the friendlist feature. Add on to that them telling someone about it, I mean unless you were a guest and figured it out yourself...
Oh Colony 2, where art thou... Who here thinks the development of Colony 2 should be prioritised over Sinjid 3? Also, they used to serve beefburgers at my school... then some Hindu kid's parents must have started whining and they replaced them with lamb-burgers. Yes, you heard me, LAMB-BURGERS. Good God people, there were perfectly good veggie patties.
so guys iv been gone for like 3 months now xD (been playign stick empires) whats the meta game now?
It's not possible for the meta game to change unless a new strategy or way of playing is thought up, which is never going to happen nowadays.
Wrong you are... thats what they said about almost everything before now and that has changed... and everyone who says that now will regret it later... new tatics will forms as soon as someone comes up with a way to fight off all early pins and then the game will revolve around that strategy
Chess, the player base is so low now that even if a grand strategy were to be thought up, there would be no one to test it against or it would take an extremely long time to work out its weak areas.