So, since my last competition was pretty much a discussion, I'll now close that and move over to this general colony discussion (the others are all specific)
Of course if you think about the game proportionally, most of the time you are right, but not always. If you think about 1 sakata mk II vs. 1 blackqueen, what's going to win? The sakata of course, if you take account of the passive life regen. But if you say 4 blackqueens vs 4 sakatas, who's going to win? The blackqueens if you take the splash into account, because all 4 blackqueens will fire at the same time and destroy all sakatas in the blast. Which is why thinking about the game proportionally isn't the best idea. Now if you take micro management into the game, that changes as well. Against a skilled player, with the example above, if the player sends 1 sakata into the blackqueens' range, and gets destroyed, the player can now move those 3 sakatas he has left over and destroy the blackqueens because the fire rate for the blackqueen is very slow.
See now, the object of the game is not to win by sheer numbers, it is to win by predicting and countering what your opponent does. That is why in campaign mode, your opponent will most likely attack first or your allie. In multiplayer mode, the first attack usually gets hold off for 4 minutes or longer. Because players are waiting to see the opponents first move so they can counter it. If they see that they're going missiles or blackqueens, they will counter it by setting an unbreakable defence up before the opponent attack/launches.
Now, i'm not going to go into so much detail that it would seem like i'm a maniac. I'm going to list what unit counters what unit, but if it counters it with some micro management and size. But note that i'm putting strategies and builds in too. And tell how to predict what they're aiming for, (of course this isn't going to always right because people do weird stuff that aren't as effective) and for what modes these work best in.
sometimes rush works or it fails horribly like if you send a quick team of snipers groditz and medics you may win but they can look over there and make some phantoms and tanks and crush them easily
Yes i do, and what rocker said, is true. If you have good counter units and your opponent has just an army of 1 single unit, you can easily counter it with a different unit. The rush tactic does not allow you to tech as much as not rushing and will not allow you to get a variety of units that cover each other units' weaknesses.
Lol. Am i not discussing colony? I'm just trying to give hints and tips to the game. And talking about units is discussing colony. I'm going probably make my own thread on this walkthrough and see what people think. I'm not just here to give a full scale walkthrough.