ForumsArt, Music, and WritingHaiku Contest - Broken Bond (page 531, due: Feb 2)

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A Haiku is a Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.

Well, that said, heres the rules:

1) The Haiku must be original (no plagarizing)!
2) It must fit the weeks theme
3) It must be submitted before the deadline
4) It must be submitted for the contest (no using works previously written)
5) One Submission per user
6) The Same User cannot win twice in a row (but there welcome to submit!)

Hopefully oneday the winner could get a merit...

The Deadline will always be a Wednsday, so the deadline for the first theme will be Wednsday, September 2. The theme is The Pond

(special thanks to 'thisisnotanalt'

  • 5,299 Replies
718 posts

Ever lasting boredom
Life is waisting away slowly
What will you do now

yes i finally finsihed it

1,903 posts

Hmm... I wasn't planning on submitting one in this theme (was too bored to bother writing one, ha ha), but seeing as entries are still coming in, why not?

I thought of this one just a few hours ago in my driving class.

Boredom spurs me on.
Bah, this lesson is worthless.
My mind wanders off.

Befitting of where it was written, I suppose.

718 posts

when does this contest end

4,013 posts

I have no clue I guess when Fallen comes back.

1,051 posts

In the inevitable boredom comes
You slowly pass away to the unreachable
Boredom the dark at night

Well, that's my first post in the whole AMW, so if it's not that good.... I take critic.

5,875 posts

KFK a haiku is:

The first line is 5 syllables.
The second line is 7 syllables.
The third line is 5 syllables

1,051 posts

Ohh, now I get that. Sorry.
I thought syllables meant something else.

4,220 posts

Eff this.

I'm judging tomorrow if Fallen doesn't get to it.

Guess I'm as unpuctual as can be; it's a shared trait among haiku judges.

I assigned you for the fact I thought you would be punctual! NOT COOL MAN, NOT COOL!

Lol, just kidding. But srsly, work on it a bit.

*is hypocrite*

Irony is ironic . . . .
1,416 posts

Okay, I think we should have a three day grace period or something. Like if the primary judge (in this case, Fallen) is not able to judge, or just chooses not to, a back up judge could step in.

The back up judge could do this whether or not they are given permission, because trying to get permission from someone who is missing in the first place is just ridiculous.

Or, if we don't want to tread on any toes, the back up judge could at least post a new theme, so we wouldn't have to sit around twiddling our thumbs. Or whatever it is you people do when not haikuing. And then the primary judge could do his/her thing when they return, thus keeping the thread alive AND some sort of order within the judging system.

Nothing against Fallen, I think he was a great choice as a new judge (which of course has nothing to do with last "week's" result). But at this rate, the constest will die.


4,220 posts


A bit much right now. Maybe starting next theme. Just this one is a bit much for a three day grace period.

Although the idea is sound.
2,763 posts

Just because, I hope I did it correctly.

Design Logic Kills
Essential Prime Implicants
I cannot find them

1,813 posts

*Judging is under way*
And it's coming with some explanations of course...please note that I'll be leaving my post for the next round so...first secondary judge to post earns himself temporary judge powers...the power to be late of course...

3,035 posts

So judging is today then?

1,813 posts

Judging'll be up pretty soon, I'm doing the rankers right naoh!

1,813 posts

I'm very sorry everyone...I've been having very serious health issues for the last three weeks; my eyes were so soaked in blood I couldn't afford to watch LEDs for more than an hour or so per day. Then again, it doesn't excuse this unremarkable lateness, and I leave my place to a secondary judge for the next theme so that I can take some time off and heal my sore ocular globes. Doctors told me to watch as less screen as possible until my eyes clear up of the infection, that way I'll be able to put my contact lens again and I swear on my momma's house bread that I'll never be late again...You have my Boy Scout word!...Wait, I was never in the boy scouts..

The Irony award; Avorne

The power of humans,
Amidst endless experiences
We invent boredom.

That is another fantastic entry. The punctuation is remarkably used, and the theme is exploited in a counteract style which is amazingly thoughtful of you. It is true that upon creating and creating everything out of thin air almost, we are bound to suffocate ourselves with boredom...Ironic isn't it?

The womb is boring award; Wolf1991

These walls shudder with
Every breath taken. And still
I wonder... is this life?

A fetus in a womb's what this haiku made me think of. Anyhow, if we could somehow remember that bout of life/death, I bet it'd be the most boring of life's experiences...That's deep, significant and moving, it sincerely is one of the best haiku I've read concerning the overall theme of boredom, kudos!

The ''Welcome to my life'' award; Nater

I am so bored
Girl keeps telling dumb story
What a friggin drag

That's life pal; I often wonder why we can' okay I won't go on with that...Hrm!Hrm!...Yes, relationships can shift into the infernal abysse of boredom; the beggining of the end, as I am entitled to call it given my own relationship. That's a very...vivid...and direct use of the theme although the vocabulary may be a little off. Then again, good job.

The beehive award; Zoark

droning sounds surround
masked shapes queries tedious
filling cavities

That is quite a long shot, but I like how deep you dug this one. It is confusing, mystifying, puzzling even while having strange and awfully familliar feel to it; like the flow of it all just makes it go through you like you've know it all your life...I *guess* you're taling about the boring hardships of bees in a beehive, but then again, I could be wrong...In any case, thank you...

The sponsoring award; Strop

Sleeping or waking,
Live every day the same dream,
Jump off the building.

If you plan on playing the actual game on which this haiku is based, then don't read it! It's a spoiler!...Oh, I guess if you read this it's too late unh? It's kind of coincidential that the release of the game matched the theme so perfectly. In any case, I commend Strop for taking advantage of it, it's the less that could be expected of an Ag Mod!

The ''He's seen it all award''; Graham

Banana zombies...
I wish I had some coffee.
What did you say now?

Randomness to it's furthermost extent, you have a blase attitude against even banana zombies...whatever they are...Even though I praise you for wanting coffee ( the drink of the gods ), I can't make heads or tail out of this. I guess the complete disinterest is what you aimed for by creating this surge of craziness. The message? I'd go with; we've created eveything, how dull is that; Banana Zombies!! Good job hahaha...

The mirror award; Pazx

Existance is dull
Staring into the grey void
Something will happen

It's a pretty good attempt at depicting the platitudes worshiped by modernity. I just love these critics about the urban machine and style of life. Seems like everyday's the same unh?...In any case, good haiku.

The ''average modern cauckasian'' award; 1337Player

He is dull and drab,
He sits at a computer,
Typing in some code

Not only does it depicts sheer dullness, it's also quite an accurate representation of comtemporary times: take me; I'm sitting at my laptop rating Haikus...not that it is boring, it just lacks dynamism lol...Anyhow it certainly looks like a boring lifestyle, good job!

The ''Patience is bliss'' award; samdawghomie

The tapping of feet
Pacing up and down the street
This is a real treat

To some, waiting can be the most rewarding activity ever. I'm one of those poeple who praise patience over everything.You did a really good job at turning the theme around in a more positive way, congratulation!

The Coral award; aknerd

He no longer blinks
Eternal years spent Watching
Silent growing stones

Well honestly, I'm ashamed to say I'm not cultured enough to now what you're talking about...There's this text from a french author I read a few years ago that directly refers to growing stones but I doubt it's the same thing. Anyhow, nice entry this time around ^^.

The haiku enthusiast award; dudeguy45

the age old question
*sigh* what do you wanna do?
lets write a haiku!

What's a better trump card against boredom than haiku writing? You tell me! That certainly is a funny little Haiku, at least it cheers *me* up. Again, it's always nice to see the theme used in a less common way, good work.

The Doldrums award; Google567

constant frustration
absolutely nothing to do
lack of excitement

Yes, life can be boring as to drive you completely insane. That's a good entry, I like how tense the emotion is in this haiku...It's really like boredom is on the verge of eating you whole.

The ''In Absentia'' award; thepossum

Stare at a white wall
A vacant look on your face
Your life really sucks

Yet again, it's another ''straight to the point'' submission by thepossum. I must say though that I've grown to like them. This lack of prolixity is quite enjoyable; it does the job efficiently, it's a direct hit, a bull's eye!

The ''Boredom is a METROID!'' award; slayguy8

Ever lasting boredom
Life is wasting away slowly
What will you do now

Well, put aside the good laugh I made out of this award, this haiku's very nice! You've made a good job at catching the time wasting essence of boredom in that poem.

The sparkling imagination award; pHacon

Boredom spurs me on.
Bah, this lesson is worthless.
My mind wanders off.

Boredom essentially leads to mind wandering and thoughts producing. It's important to daydream sometimes, and a boring bout can be just about the perfect time to do just that!

The Boolean award; Darkroot

Design Logic Kills
Essential Prime Implicants
I cannot find them

The award says it all, you've represented boredom perfectly with that little lesson of boolean logic. Good job.

The engrossed in boredom award; MoonFairy

I was very pissed
That I did not even place
But now I am too bored

I didn't really know which one to judge, so I too the one that made the most sense when placed alone ^^. I like how you picture boredom as emotion killing, like it's draining you of your very essence, nice one.

The school is important! award; thechosenuno

I wake up and go
Arrive at school my day's begun
six hours I will wait

Ah, school, I remember the time when I used to find oh-so boring...It's simple and effective but you could've used some punctuation to time the rhythm of it.

Ok, now for the rankers, there're only three this time since...Well it's almost five in the morn and I'm working today...Although the overall judging took quite a toll on me, the ranking judging was remarkably easy ^^.

Bronze: samdawghomie

The tapping of feet
Pacing up and down the street
This is a real treat

This is just marvelous; sometimes, you must sit still and be patient, sometimes, you must enjoy these boring bits. I like how you painted boredom as something so positive, and let me add that when we'll be dead we'll surely be missing even boredom...

Silver: wolf1991

These walls shudder with
Every breath taken. And still
I wonder... is this life?

This is the haiku that used the theme in it's most primal essence, and it's clear to me that there couldn't be more boring bits than ''In Utero''. I like how you subtly question the very meaning and worth of a life intrinsicly boring...

Gold and merit winner: Avorne

The power of humans,
Amidst endless experiences
We invent boredom

As I said, this is a masterful piece of lucidity; it is thoughtful yet direct and bears a truth so blatant we often don't realise it. Awesome job at cramming so much veracity into three lines, go claim your merit!

Now to all of those who didn't place, keep in mind that there was two rankings omitted; next week's theme is Dusk. I'll leave the judge for this round decide the deadline himself, so go and have fun! After I'm back and in health, I'll impress you with punctual judgings!

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