ForumsArt, Music, and WritingHaiku Contest - Broken Bond (page 531, due: Feb 2)

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A Haiku is a Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.

Well, that said, heres the rules:

1) The Haiku must be original (no plagarizing)!
2) It must fit the weeks theme
3) It must be submitted before the deadline
4) It must be submitted for the contest (no using works previously written)
5) One Submission per user
6) The Same User cannot win twice in a row (but there welcome to submit!)

Hopefully oneday the winner could get a merit...

The Deadline will always be a Wednsday, so the deadline for the first theme will be Wednsday, September 2. The theme is The Pond

(special thanks to 'thisisnotanalt'

  • 5,299 Replies
6,800 posts

It's only been a month that I've been gone and already we're dealing with problems.

We're dealing with them because you failed to address them.
708 posts

Salvidian, Murasaki changed the theme because the previous theme was too difficult to comprehend. Who would join a contest if they cannot comprehend what they are joining? That is when logic comes into play.

Murasaki also explained,"People don't like the one I chose because the last ones were kind of depressing." Also, in addition to that, there was tons of confusion about the meaning of the text, which caused many problems.

Salvidian, you have to apologize because all the evidence is in front of you. Why do you not look at the obvious statements in front of you?

At times, your criticism can go too far, and this applies to everyone. I would not insult people for what they do, just fix their problem and guide them to a solution. No need to be insulting and criticizing them for their wrongdoing.

1,388 posts

Murasaki, I have faith in you. Don't quit now. Plenty of times I was hated on, but I hung in there.

I'm not going to quit. I just said I might but Salvidian and I had a talk and things are hunky dory again, so... And thanks, Acmed.

By the way, I don't seem to be able to press a button to quote anymore. Is AG3 stealing upon us like I suspected? I know, it's off topic, but hey...
6,800 posts

Salvidian, Murasaki changed the theme because the previous theme was too difficult to comprehend. Who would join a contest if they cannot comprehend what they are joining? That is when logic comes into play.
Murasaki also explained,"People don't like the one I chose because the last ones were kind of depressing." Also, in addition to that, there was tons of confusion about the meaning of the text, which caused many problems.
Salvidian, you have to apologize because all the evidence is in front of you. Why do you not look at the obvious statements in front of you?

The problem with presenting interpretations as "obvious" is just that: they're interpretations. Poetry, by its very nature, is ambiguous and open to multiple interpretations as a result. The fact that you found the last few themes to be depressing is your own take on said themes. First because your idea of depressing may not be the same of mine. Personally, things have to be pretty darn sad forme to consider them depressing. Likewise, a theme like Uprising (because I happen to remember it) could be interpreted along many lines. From a blatant revolution of a people to something about the joys of breaking out of the status quo to do something you enjoy. Neither of those are any more right or wrong than any other interpretation.

So I'm giving you a bit of grief about this because, to use your own word, poetry isn't logical. Thats not to say it is illogical, but poetry can be patadoxical (Nothing Gold Can Stay - Frost) or highly structured (any number of Shakespeare's sonnets), or even something as seemingly disconnected as "I grow old, I grow old. / I shall wear the bottoms of my trouser's rolled (The Love Song of Alfred J Prufrock -T S Elliot), poetry is not just about making a few words rhyme and keeping to some decent meter. Any idiot with a dictionary can do that. Poetry is what happens when those words are carefully crafted to form some sort meaning beyond tthe denotative meaning of the words themself. Which is why it is utterly atrocious for you to not only assume a concrete rigidity about a theme's meaning, but then assume that every one else assumes the "obvious" and "because it's there in front of you."

TL;DR: Can't tell if troll, or just really stupid.
3,517 posts

We're dealing with them because you failed to address them.

I didn't address them because they didn't exist. I just told murasaki not to quit.
6,800 posts

I didn't address them because they didn't exist.

I'd laugh if I weren't so certain you were serious.
9,438 posts

It's only been a month that I've been gone

Has it? I've barely noticed your absence.

Uprising (because I happen to remember it)

It happens to still be in the thread title for some reason...

poetry isn't logical

Perhaps not, but his statement was about the logic in retracting a confusing/unwanted theme. As I mentioned earlier, 2 of the 3 participants (not counting the off-theme user) questioned it, and another refused to enter due to the dark tone. Currently, we want to raise participation for the contest, not drive it away. 2 of the 3 participants adapted to the new theme within a day without incident.
6,800 posts

All the buttons are gone...

The "questions" were clarifications about how far the theme could be taken. In no way justification to change the theme. Likewise, the user who previously called for Murasaki to be judge then expresses discontent with the theme, and it gets changed! I'm not pointing fingers, but the fact one person is t happy with the theme is by no meansany justification at all to change the theme. Its ridiculous, for crying out loud!

1,388 posts

I don't see any submissions coming in.

Oh and...

[quote] Uprising (because I happen to remember it)

It happens to still be in the thread title for some reason...[/quote]

I have already done my duty, twice. I've spoken to a moderator about changing the title twice. So, I don't have much control about the title anymore.
9,438 posts

I've spoken to a moderator about changing the title twice.

I've had to do that before. I guess they're a lot busier due to the updates and stuff. Well, it's fixed now: better late than never. Hopefully it'll generate a surge of participation, since there's little time left in the round.
6,737 posts

Here is my first attempt at a haiku

The tunnel's frail light
Guides only the heaviest of souls
Enlightened, again.

A darker approach which in longer words kinda means this:
After death, you heart may be heavy, but keep going and find heaven.
Like it? =)

15,595 posts

^ Haiku's here must be in a 5-7-5 syllable template. Your middle line is too long.

6,737 posts

^ Haiku's here must be in a 5-7-5 syllable template. Your middle line is too long.

Poopies. :P I mistakenly took heaviest for a one syllable word lol... My mistake i'll redo that line...

The tunnel's frail light
Is the end of a journey.
But only just one

Again a darker approach... Does you like it?
9,438 posts

Does you like it?

It's fine, it meets the requirements, but the last line is a bit clunky. 'Only just' seems repetitive, as either word would communicate the message. Repetition isn't usually favorable in haiku, other than for a strong emphasis, as it uses up precious syllables. Offhand, I can think of no less than 5 concise alternative lines, but that's just my input. You're not required to change anything, so don't feel that you have to.
6,737 posts

^ ^ ^ ^ ^
5000th post Congrats EmperorPalpatine

And yeah i don't think it's that good either... I couldn't think of anything else at that stressed moment... Lemme think about it. :P

The tunnel's frail light
Is the end of a journey.
A well fought battle.

Okay... This is my final revision. It seems to make more sense...

And am i the only submission lol...?

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