ForumsArt, Music, and WritingHaiku Contest - Broken Bond (page 531, due: Feb 2)

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A Haiku is a Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.

Well, that said, heres the rules:

1) The Haiku must be original (no plagarizing)!
2) It must fit the weeks theme
3) It must be submitted before the deadline
4) It must be submitted for the contest (no using works previously written)
5) One Submission per user
6) The Same User cannot win twice in a row (but there welcome to submit!)

Hopefully oneday the winner could get a merit...

The Deadline will always be a Wednsday, so the deadline for the first theme will be Wednsday, September 2. The theme is The Pond

(special thanks to 'thisisnotanalt'

  • 5,299 Replies
157 posts


Not to too my own horn
157 posts


26,390 posts

Uh I hate to break it to you, but deadlines were officially closed a page or two back.

Really? I swear I checked back to make sure the submissions were still open, but I guess it must have been buried in all the rant. Mea culpa.
6,800 posts

No,Maverick did by making the thread

Cute. If you hate the thread so much, GTFO. NOW.
2,917 posts

It's been such a long time folks. I haven't judged in FOREVER! Anyways, lots of good haikus. Let's get started.


My face's reflection,
On the lily pond of hope,
I stand alone, still.

I like the serenity of this. I have done the same, standing idly at a pond just thinking, staring. Somehow the pond makes you happy. Your haiku is very calming.


Without direction,
Subject to all but yourself,
Mourn, for the pond's slave.

This haiku kind of confuses me. Are you referring to yourself as the pond's slave? And I think you should have changed that second comma to a period. Despite that, not much reference to the pond itself,but apparently you knew what you were doing, and you thought differently then frogs or fishes, which is commendable, not saying there is anything wrong with traditional subjects.


Frogs catching insects
as they leap on lily pads,
fish watch from below.

Your haiku is very traditional, depicting the daily routine of the pond's inhabitants. Perhaps you could have used some fancier wordings, like instead of you first line, perhaps: "Frogs lash out their tongues". Not a bad haiku, but nothing really to differentiate it from the crowd.


Frogs on lily pads.
Catching bugs and jumping all
Over the huge pond.

I'm not sure if you'll care to see this, but after your corrections you came out with something similar to chitown and others. A good poem, with traditional thoughts of a pond in mind. But I don't like the transition between you second and last lines. You split the sentence. Other than that, ok haiku.


Deep in the forest
A pond of fishes and frogs
Sits peacefully still.

You have captured the tranquility of a middle-of-nowhere small body of water. Nothing is disturbing it, as you state in your last line. Simple but effective haiku.


The green lily glides,
Gracefully across the pond,
Breaking the silence.

You haiku sets off an image in my mind of the pond. The only problem I have with yours is that I wasn't aware that floating lilies make sounds, as stated in your last line. But words like "glide" instead of float and "gracefully" instead of peacefully really spice up your haiku. Good job.


Petals float calmly,
Twirling circles in the blue
Of the Lily Pond

Only while judging have I realized how similar my haiku is to yours. Therefore, I like your poem a lot. I guess we both were creating a silent, tranquil pond with lilies on it. You got a nice picture created in my mind. Great haiku.


gleaming from the sun,
lily pads silently twirl.
yes, you have found peace.

Very similar to Tacky's and the first ever haiku I posted on this thread. Not to toot my own horn, but I think it's great.


Splash, strength, fight, drown, ice,
Beneath the leaves of power,
I have become lost.

Are you drowning in a 5 foot deep pond? Or are you being murdered by aknerd? Anyway, you paint a picture in my mind of a isolated pond, and you are forever sunk in it. You deviated than the traditional "frogs n fish" mindset. Good job.


Frog contemplates life
Lillies bear scents and colours
Frog thinks life is well.

You give your main character, Frog, a peaceful and thoughtful mindset, rather than just saying a frog catches flies, or something similar to that. I agree with your frog. Who wouldn't like a serene pond? I like your haiku a lot.


Radiant lilies,
Crystal still water, calmness
still lives in our world.

Very interesting haiku. I smiled when I read your last line. It is hard to believe there are calm places still left in our bustling city life. Nice word choices, such as "radiant". Very thoughtful and professional haiku.


The sign said, "Do Not".
But I didn't heed, and it
stung. Water skiing

When I think of a pond, it is usually not big enough to ski in. Nonetheless, you have fun word choice, and apparently there is something nasty in that pond. Rule breaking is always fun. Nice thinking out of the box.


Cool, smooth, soft felt pads
Cold, watery graves under
calm tranquility.

Ponds do make good dump sites. And lilies make nice curtains. Interesting haiku, as you seem to combine the topic of death and the calmness of a tranquil pond. In result, you get a beautiful haiku.


slow rain, dripping off,
green leaves bend slowly down,
rain showers coldly.

Your haiku doesn't seem to have any reference to a pond. The theme wasn't "rain".


The ebbing lilies,
Corrupting my reflection,
Drift through my sad life.

I know ebbing is a real word, and it is a good choice, showing that the lilies are calmly swaying back and forth in the pond. Corrupting is nice too. The last line adds to it. Very calming haiku.


Pacific ripples
beryl veneer, azure canvas
Raucous symphony of croaks

Superb word choice. Apparently you don't like frog croaks. You haiku symbolizes a pond busy with life. Very good word choice. Very good haiku. only problem: LAST LINE IS 7 SYLLABLES!


Obfuscated, I
Hide, lost in lilting shadows
softly decomposed.

You got good descriptive words here, but there seems to be no mention of a pond.


Quiet, secret world
Sheltered away from hustle
Lilies float in peace.

We seemed to be going for the same thing when we wrote our haikus. A distant pond, forever undisturbed. Good word choice, and I like how you made the pond it's own "secret world".


Shallow Waters
Holding small worlds
Lily Pads afloat.

I like how you said "holding small worlds". A pond has so many things, from fish to bugs, crayfish to lilies. So many things. But your first line is 4 syllables, and so is the second line. Haiku follows the 5-7-5 rule.


A covered dead face;
The passing lilies conceal
My hidden bodies.

Nice. The cops wouldn't look in a nice lil' pond for bodies would they? You sir, are a professional murderer. For some reason, peaceful haiku.


"cricket" says the frog,
Finding a mate proves fruitless
The tree must go on

Ok The Riddler, what is your haiku supposed to mean? A bachelor frog that crickets? A tree? But no pond. It's interesting, but confusing and off-topic.


Dark, murky water,
A lily pad with flowers.
A mask on it's face.

Mysterious haiku. Is the lilipad a person with a mask? Anyway, thoughtful haiku.


In night, the pond lies
Dormant, but underwater
The fish never sleep

Fish do sleep. Just with their eyes open. But I like the word dormant, and how the pond "lies". Simple haiku. I like it.

Now time for placings.
3rd place: Deceptive

Radiant lilies,
Crystal still water, calmness
still lives in our world.

I love the last line. Your haiku is beautiful.

2nd place: TackyCrazyTNT

Petals float calmly,
Twirling circles in the blue
Of the Lily Pond

My haiku and yours were very similar, and you captured and reworded my idea of a pond, therefore I thought your haiku was very good.

Merit winner: moomentality

Frog contemplates life
Lillies bear scents and colours
Frog thinks life is well.

You deviated from tradition and gave your frog a personality, and a working thought process. Your poem is whimsical and the winner of this week. Go ask a mod for your merit.

And sorry if I started a brouhaha, I just didn't want people to be disappointed if Fallen, in his sick state, didn't critique their haiku. So that's all for this week.

New theme: Last Person on Earth

Happy Haikuing!

347 posts

Wow, fast judging. And my poem was about hiding feelings by acting completely different, in this case, the pretty flower hides the dark water below. Heres the one for this week.

Ashes on the ground,
A reminder of what was.
Ruins of the past.

Imaged in first person, like I'm looking around myself.

6,800 posts

People move around,
Yet I'm alone with in my
Soul. No one sees me.


1,296 posts

Ok The Riddler, what is your haiku supposed to mean? A bachelor frog that crickets? A tree? But no pond. It's interesting, but confusing and off-topic.

Hah! I fooled you. Frogs cricket to find mates so that the tree of life can go on. I will never win the merit I know. But this gets me going. HAZAA!
3,137 posts

Thank you dudeguy for doing the judging!

1,296 posts

Freedom, I have heaps.
Company, I have little.
Reason, I have none.

Took me a long time but I have hope in this one. As I do everyone I submit.

1,936 posts

This aching silence;
How it presses on my chest.
Wish I still had you.

26,390 posts

Excellent submissions by all three first placers - congrats to our merit winner, Moonmentality. Kudos to our substitute judge.
My personal favorite was Tacky's, but that's just me. I liked all three top placers.

Fish do sleep. Just with their eyes open. But I like the word dormant, and how the pond "lies". Simple haiku. I like it.

I did mention that when I submitted the poem.
I even managed to fit a small amount of science in there! Except technically fish sleep...they just don't shut their eyes. Meh.

Even so, thanks for the critique.

I am alone here
And hope I always will be,
Inside of my mind
3,517 posts

Me, Myself, and No You

No more voices heard,
For me I stand alone, lost,
And I can't find you.

5,061 posts

Well that was a rather epic fail on my part, a warning to those who rewrite their entry six times. Thanks for the critiques dudeguy.

2,261 posts

What is it with me and missing the judging all the time?

The only problem I have with yours is that I wasn't aware that floating lilies make sounds, as stated in your last line.

Ah, well I was trying to refer to how the lily was breaking the stillness of the pond, rather than a silence. But that's much more my fault that you thought it was like that.

Anyway, new entry:

This barren wasteland.
As I walk on the torn path,
I know I'm alone.
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