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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingHaiku Contest - Broken Bond (page 531, due: Feb 2)

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6,800 posts

A Haiku is a Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.

Well, that said, heres the rules:

1) The Haiku must be original (no plagarizing)!
2) It must fit the weeks theme
3) It must be submitted before the deadline
4) It must be submitted for the contest (no using works previously written)
5) One Submission per user
6) The Same User cannot win twice in a row (but there welcome to submit!)

Hopefully oneday the winner could get a merit...

The Deadline will always be a Wednsday, so the deadline for the first theme will be Wednsday, September 2. The theme is The Pond

(special thanks to 'thisisnotanalt'

  • 5,299 Replies
2,739 posts

silent cloak flowing
blissfull death rolls through the grave
blind youths never fear

572 posts

Stare death in the face
Memories flash in your wake
He leaves in silence

3,517 posts

Wait, oh I'm judging.

I think

Whatever, due date's today. GET EM IN

3,517 posts

Well, either dudeguy or Emp's judging this one, because I got an announcement.

I'm basically quitting AG. Why? Well, coincidentally, I just turned old enough to legally be on the site. Yes, I turned 13 a few days ago. I'll even say it in it's own paragraph.


A 12 year old has been running the haiku contest the past year. I was 11 when I joined the site. For the first few months I was very immature that got me 2 temp bans. I am very mature for my age now, and really you guys helped me.

This also explains why I couldn't handle some situations, like the one with the religion topic. I didn't take that well.

Now, I'm leaving because of the mass depression this forum radiates. No one is online, and I doubt many people are gonna see this post either. I'm not saying I'm changing the password, deleting my bio or closing the comments, just that Armor Games won't be the first site I log into when I'm at a computer. I'll check back once in a while, but that means that I won't be judging the contest. Sorry.

So, there you have it.

343 posts

Anybody say party?

9,808 posts
Jester looked a lot older than 13 in your picture on The Faces of Armor Games thread acmed..

9,438 posts

Well, either dudeguy or Emp's judging this one, because I got an announcement. I'm basically quitting AG.

It would've been nice to know that a few days ago. I was free this weekend.

Now the earliest I can judge is Friday/Saturday (college: lots of homework). Dudeguy hasn't been on in a while, so I doubt he'd get it done sooner.


17 posts

This situation is hilarious.

It's time for a bad haiku.

Misguided dispute
Arrogance surrounds their words
They think they're clever

6,800 posts

I can get it done by Tuesday, if thats allright with Emp and everyone else. Just as a one time thing, top five affair.

3,517 posts
Nomad looked a lot older than 13 in your picture on The Faces of Armor Games thread acmed..

I can't really explain that. I look like I should be in high school.



I can get it done by Tuesday, if thats allright with Emp and everyone else. Just as a one time thing, top five affair.

Thank you Mav. I appreciate it.

Thanks to all of you guys. This is the first online thing I've ever been a part of. Before I was immature, stupid, and not knowing how the internet works. With you guys, you told me my rights and wrongs. I'm part of other communities now. And thank you for that.
9,438 posts

I can get it done by Tuesday, if thats allright with Emp and everyone else.

Much obliged. As a reward, I'll let you select the theme for the next round I judge (which could be soon if dudeguy doesn't show up).
6,800 posts

I've got time now, so expect the judging shortly.

3,337 posts

@acmed, one last thing before you leave. If you judge contests in those other forums you're part of but you wanna quit them too, tell them you're quitting the day the judging is due, not 4 days after!
But still, it's a shame to see an active member go.

Good job saving the day Mav, sure you don't wanna be full time judge for this or the poetry contest?
Pretty please? :3

6,800 posts

I'll be judging this round, in accordance with Acmed's resignation. As it was I who put him in charge of the contest, I'd like to personally apologize for this. Unfortunately there wasn't much anyone could have done, since a rather crucial piece of information was missing. But that was yesterday, and lets spend today looking to tomorrow. And merits. Always the merits.

And now, the judging. Fortunately, everybody submitted a haiku that could qualify for winning, so I think everyone can pat themselves on the back for that. Unfortunately, many people had a lack of punctuation (those funny dquiggles that appear when you hit the shift key). Punctuation plays an important role in haiku, since an individual has only three lines and seventeen syllables to work with. Thus, punctuation allows a person to put a sort of rhythm into their piece, and allows emphasis to be added or removed from a cetain line or phrase. Coupled with enjabment Google), it can turn a bland haiku into a good one. So because of that, the plethora of haikus was chopped down into just a few. So here are the top five. If your haiku wasn't critiqued, feel free to message it to me on my profile:


A melodic riff;
sound of the azure mollusk,
cowbell fills the air.

This had better be a reference to a Monty Python skit. Because if not, you are one lucky man. Everyone should watch the Salmon Mousse skit.

But for capitalization, this would have done better. Of course, thats rather dependent upon the judge getting the joke. Heres a glass of water. Knock yourself out.

4) Jess

Death's faithful servants,
Take us in a ghostly haze,
And it is gentle.

After my spiel about punctuation, it might been seen as hypocritical to make the next statement: the comma at the end of the first line throws off the flow. The phrase 'too much of a good thing' might come to mind. It causes an unnatural jolt to erupt into the poem, which makes it odd to speak aloud.

But you paint a good picture, and one that can resonate with many people. The only thing more fearful than death is the motion of a bunch of them running around. So congratulations, here's a free bus token, there's the door.

3) jeol

Silent, courageous,
Did he stand before them - his
Heart shivered with dread.

A different take on the theme: something other than the obvious choice of death is the object of fear. You do a good job overall, and a 'shivering heart' is a rather nice piece of imagery. This is a solid haiku; I have no complaints. Have a puppy! Or a picture of one, anyways. Good day.

2) jdoggparty

Black garbs, swift movement
Run, but do not be afraid
For he takes them all

A very classic take on the theme, with the stereotypical relay of Mr. Grim himself. But it works out in this case, as you go on to describe his actions after describing his physical appearance. Another solid haiku, except that I think you forgot to type a period at the end! The consolation prize is a dictionary. Exiting, I know.

1) Nicho

Massive death payloads,
Shatters our innocent lives,
Watch them flee far now.

First and foremost, I disagree with your politics. But this is neither the place nor the time for that debate. This haiku wins first today since you both deliver a strong message and yet sacrifices none of the poetical quality of the haiku. A very creative take on the theme means you earned the spot well and truly. Heres a coupon for a merit, but I think it expired two months ago. Oh well.

If I am permitted to say it, the theme for the next round will be Uprising, and will be due on the 25th of October. Should you lack inspiration, give the song by Muse a listen to; it's also called Uprising, if you didn't pick up on that.

6,800 posts

Pretty please? :3

Parsat has got the Poetry contest locked down it seems. And I wouldn't want to usurp Emp and dudeguy of their positions.

But oh, would you look at the theme... >
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