Which Dragonball series do you like? The original Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT? I like GT because it has all the intense fighting and the super sayain 4 Gogeta who is favorite Dragonball character of all time! So here you can post what your favorite Dragonball series and favorite character is. And if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all! Thank you
I like the Dragonball when Goku was a kid. That was plain "Dragonball" right? Dragonball GT's ending was kind dumb. Dragonball Z was pretty cool. Got tiring that they kept adding new villains. "This guy is the strongest guy ever", *Goku kills guy*. "Now this new evil guy is the strongest ever".
I like the Dragonball when Goku was a kid. That was plain "Dragonball" right? Dragonball GT's ending was kind dumb. Dragonball Z was pretty cool. Got tiring that they kept adding new villains. "This guy is the strongest guy ever", *Goku kills guy*. "Now this new evil guy is the strongest ever".
There was so much prestige behind being a super saiyan, but they ruined it when they just kept hading more levels and more hair. So, there should of been a level cap.
But as a kid I loved DBZ and hated GT, mainly because I was not really interested in the dragon ball stuff anymore because it took so long for GT to come out.
Like I said, I loved DBZ as a kid so I'm not gonna rip on it like I easily could.
not really, there were the Saiyans, Frieza, Cell, and that pink thing. at least that's all i saw before stopped airing
Well true, but as Bronze said, there was always another lvl to achieve. Being Super Saiyan used to be the ultimate lvl of power, then there was 2.. then Super Saiyan 3! Then why not just add a Super Saiyan 4? The Dragonball/Z/GT shows were cool though.
It's really a tie between Dragonball and Dragonball Z for me, but honestly DBZ will probably win simply because of nostalgia. It was the first of the series I watched and I loved it, I still love it in my own way. But I agree SSJ was kind of tarnished, and I think it was just by the fact there were eventually so many of them; SSJ was supposed to be a legend, it was like one in a stupidly high number had the potential.
I've heard that Akira Toriyama had only planned to write DBZ to the Frieza saga and end it after that. And honestly I'd have prefered that so much more, SSJ would have been way cooler and it would have held up and made the earlier fights make more sense. (How come Vegeta threatened to destroy the Earth with a Galick Gun, yet it can somehow survive a Big Bang Attack.) But overall my pick would be for DBZ, even if it did fall victim to the shonen anime/manga curse.