ForumsWEPRAll All Men and Women Created Equally?

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Are they? I believe that everyone should, but I don't think that everyone is. If you think about it, some people are born with dispositions like mental conditions, physical problems, or medical conditions that could cause problems later in their lives. While this isn't the case for most people, it is these types of things that draw the fine line between equality and inequality.

  • 33 Replies
5,579 posts

No. No one is equal. Equality is a false illusion of the mind. Sadly, only the strong are superior.

'Tis very sad.

1,720 posts


440 posts

as tsl said it should be, but it isnt.
we are still trying but end up causing more damage, like with.... whats the phrase...

idk its like reverse discrimination or something...

1,532 posts

womens rights...what a joke

1,720 posts

womens rights...what a joke

Ha ha very funny, not really. I hope your kidding.
25 posts

{Me:}Listen.. just because someone is different doesn't mean they aren't equal. In all of nature, that is true, but it is not with humans.
{InternetTroll:} Ghey!
{Me:} The reason for my statemnt is that humans have qualities that animals don't such as religion. Humans are the "mammals" that have the cognitive thought process for religion. Sure, animals can be trained to do religois acts, but they don't realize the signifigance of it.
{InternetTroll:} GHEY!
{Me:} Animals just survive. Humans have higher abilities. The ability to serve a God-given purpose. Think about it from God's perspective. We are his creation, been given the chance to do works for him. You don't have to be strong to do that.

Which is more important, the farmer that creates corn for the village, the vilage that produces weapons for the army, or the army that protects the farmer?
{InternetTroll:} THE ARMY, DUH!

{Me:}I guess it really depends on your beliefs in God. No one less or more equal under God's eyes, even if we do different jobs, because we are all imperfect.

Chew on that for a while.

If you don't believe in God, I have no further assistence to offer you.

356 posts

I don't know...I mean, this question is decided based on the context. Of course if you are just looking at it from a physical standpoint men seem to be superior. Mentally is a bit more fuzzy, when I was a kid I swear I read a report that pointed to women having some sort of mental superiority but have recently read a report that says that's crap. Intelligence is interesting, as there are different types, so women may be more emotionally intelligent as they seem to mature more quickly that men, and men may be more viscerally intelligent when speaking strictly of IQ.

Although, as far as people are concerned I think it really comes down to moral fortitude or ethical action. If you are a bad person, by the normal standards of being bad, which I suppose include if your an a-hole, you steal, kill, are sadistic and manipulative, then I think that would qualify you as a lesser person. Those who choose the, "moral high ground", for lack of a better term in my late night exhaustion seem to be greater, due to the willpower to choose things that are not necessarily expedient, or strictly beneficial to themselves.

2,202 posts

Intelligence varies greatly, you have very dumb women, and very dumb men, you also have very smart women, and very smart men, whichever happens to be more abundant at the time of survey would determine which gender has [temporary?] superiority. Then it goes into the level of education each individual received, if any, and so on.

While we are not all built congruently, we are fairly similar, I guess, in physical structure. Hair, a pair of eyes, a pair of ears, two hands, two feet, bipedal, etc. So we're closer to 'equality' at this point. Once you get into genetics and more in depth physical attributes, no, we are all 'unique' and not even close to resembling one another and cannot be equal...unless you're a clone or something.

Though I feel equality is sort of a bad word for this thread, since it has so many uses and is fully integrated with the idea of 'living equal' as in Men&Women's Rights, than 'being equal', as stated in the OP? Since there seems to be both floating in this thread...I do, however, understand the point either way =P.

9,462 posts

I think this all depends on what standpoint you are referring to. on a genetic or intellectual level then I will have to say no we are nto equal. There are people stronger faster smarter etc. But if we are referring to a sociological stand point there seems to be a need for a least some equal ground for us all to work from. From this I would have to say yes we are all equal.

21 posts

Well not really because men dont have a full set of ribs we gave ours to make women pure. if you dont beleive in God not much people can help you.

360 posts

{Me:}Listen.. just because someone is different doesn't mean they aren't equal. In all of nature, that is true, but it is not with humans.
{InternetTroll:} Ghey!
{Me:} The reason for my statemnt is that humans have qualities that animals don't such as religion. Humans are the "mammals" that have the cognitive thought process for religion. Sure, animals can be trained to do religois acts, but they don't realize the signifigance of it.

Errr, you're a tw4t....
"In all nature that is true, but it's not with humans"...why?
There's different laws of physics for humans and animals, insects and forests?
The reason oif your statement:Human can believe in God, and understand the concept of God.
Ok, you've established the difference between Humans and Nature (well, a difference, not all the differences).
But where's the relation between this and the subject?
I mean, all humans can understand the concept of God, when animals can't, so they're equal??That's nonsense...
440 posts

@ geoing26 FAIL

have you ever seen a picture of a ribcage?

there are 12 on each side for men and women, they both have the same amount of ribs. reason 1 bible 0. (well the numbers are different but for this story... also the bible said that slavery was a-ok!)

511 posts

All men and women are definitely not created equal. On all standpoints of the subject. Whether it be physical, intellectual, or even sociologically.

First to address physical and intellectual standpoints. Some people are straight out more athletic or smarter then others. How are people equally created if that man was born with some disease that makes him unable to walk or have complex thought processes and the other was born with calves of steel and an IQ over 140 to boot.

Now to address the sociological standpoint I'll began quoting MageGreyWolf's comment. Even though this strays from the original post querying if all men and women are created equally, and at creation, in America, minors have less rights then those of age, so therefore, not created equally.

But if we are referring to a sociological stand point there seems to be a need for a least some equal ground for us all to work from. From this I would have to say yes we are all equal.

Yes MageGreyWolf, you are correct, there seems to be some sort of colloquial need in any group of people to be "equal", now i can go all night pondering what equal even means, but its almost 4 in the morning here (sweet Jesus is it really?) and I'd like to go to bed, so I'm going to keep this [relatively] short. In dictatorships, the dictator and the common citizen, obviously do not stand on equal ground, and even in America, the worlds most equal country (if you argue that point please tell me where that place is, and I'll start packing) contrary to what you may have been told, not everyone (I am aware that this does not apply to everyone, but it applies to at least some, and this thread refers to everyone being equal) can secure them self a position in the supposedly equally opportunity chance to become politically powerful, without giving up in what they truly believe in, but instead on what others want them to believe in.

On a side note I haven't visited this site in a while and it felt good putting my opinion out there once more.... I wonder if anyone even remembers me....
9,462 posts

SkullZero1 I think you make some very good points.

262 posts

Well not really because men dont have a full set of ribs we gave ours to make women pure.

Uh ...lmao! Are you serious? I can tell you for certain that men and women have the same amount of ribs ...sorry, no disrespect, but the fact that we ALL have the same number of ribs has been a certain for quite some time now. Even if you believe in the bible it was not meant to be taken verbatim.

BTW- debating on whether women and men are equal is sort of like debating on who's the best football team ... it's all a matter of opinion. It also has to do with what exactly "equality" is, or means to each person. Power, in any sense of the word, does not mean that the person with power is better then the people not in power. Case in point, Adolf Hitler. Wealth does not mean one is better, case in point, Osama bin Laden ... therein lies the quandary.

However, to answer the OP ... on a whole, men and women are equal.
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