ForumsGame WalkthroughsAlt's Favorite Colony Strats

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For all of these, you need a partner who will at least do what you ask.


Armory (set to cash)
forge (set to energy)
bank or generator (depending on your current money reserves, etc.)
treasury/solar grid or manufactory (again, depending on the situation)
upgrade other structure (forge or bank/generator, etc.)

Now, you should be striking a decent balance between energy and cash. (if you're hurting for manpower, set your manpower to it)

Make a few sakatas first - they'll draw fire from your base, etc.

You should have your partner make units based on what the enemy is sending out - usually a few tanks, maybe a groditz or two or some snipers.

Then, when you have 60 or so dollars, start massing up phantoms. When you can't build any more phantoms, build AA s you recuperate your money. Alternating between the units like this will give you a huge defense after a while. Your partner really only needs to supply cover as you tech up, rush defenses, and maybe some hovers to take out massed AA.

Fascist for this, of course. You'll need it to be able to tech up fast enough.


This one requires a partner who will obey minor requests.

Armory (set to cash)
outpost (set to manpower)
hospital (set to resuscitate for manpower)

Switch your armory to manpower after you have this set up.

Then, have your partner mass AA, fall them back, then have them in a line a bit in front of the rally point. THIS STEP IS CRITICAL.

After that, set your outpost to autobuild chronite tanks. You can infinitely build chronites now - make a good 40 of 'em, line them up, and you'll even be able to take out an ht rush. Advance your tanks slightly ahead of the AA, then have the AA advance - they'll act as a target and meat wall to draw fire, and they'll kill any air your chronites can't handle. Your chronites should have ample cover to absolutely f**k up any ground forces - 40 lined up chronite tanks can kill pretty much any force set up - the enemy won't even have time to build up more than 10 or so hover tanks, nothing for 40 chronites. After that, the base is pretty much done for. 30 chronites (factoring in deaths) will tear down the base pretty quickly.

Communist for this one. Manpower increase is invaluable.

NOTE: I've tested and used both of these strats countless times, and they work most of the time.

  • 4 Replies
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Lol well I've already tried this of course ;D

1 posts

bad strategy use the hospitle for medicts

180 posts

I think you copied and pasted the text, sorry but i think its the truth

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