It actually is possible, or that they just plain dont need air or water to survive. I myself think its possible for other intelligent life to exist, but I doubt we ever have had contact with them. I doubt that they exist, but more consider it a vague unlikely possibility.
t actually is possible, or that they just plain dont need air or water to survive.
Well, on Earth we have anaerobic life. Life that doesn't need oxygen to survive, and life that can live in the harshest conditions you can imagine, under the tremendous weight of the ocean and in the tremendous heat of the a geyser.
But there is no way life can exist for any prolonged period of time in space.
It might not need oxygen but it needs other things to replace it, the organisms that don't need oxygen create it through fermentation. These also happen to be some of the simplest multi-celled organisms possible.
So even if life ever managed to exist unprotected in space for a prolonged period of time it would certainly not be intelligent.
But in conclusion, there is no freakin' way stop dreaming =P
And yes, I might be interested in a thread ACTUALLY about genetic engineering
Genetic engineering could be good. Just don't steal people. Lab rats go ahead, don't sleep pill people in their homes and run experiments on them.
Oh and life else where, it could be so. I just doubt they would come to this sh1t hole of a planet. If you saw the original 'The Day the Earth Stood Still', we wouldn't be able to join the other races because we are so violent. So, we are quarintined to our solar system.
i dont agree with sarth21 to a certain extent,we wouldn't be able to join the other races because we are so violent but so will them,for them to be smart enough not to fight,they would need alot more IQ than us,but even we did not start from monkeys to high-tech men(and I think some of my class-mates are still evolving lol),unless those aliens were created straight away that a blonde alien has 500IQ And we fight because mainly for pride and strength.
My question is, why refer to all people of Earth as different races? We are all human in the end. Unless you believe the 'South Park Theory' that there is a whole planet of Germans, another planet of Asians, and yet another planet of English speaking people.