ForumsWEPRWas making Israel as a nation a mistake?

31 5875
41 posts

I believe yes, because we basically kicked out people that had been living there for generations. So what if the Jewish needed a home. This is why we should already have space colonies. Space is not what this discussion is about though, so if you want to talk about that, make a spin off topic.

  • 31 Replies
227 posts

Jews have been living in Israel since before Jesus came along. The Jews were forced to leave Israel by the Romans, who named it Palestien. When, the Romans fell, Arabs took over and the Crusades begun. The Jews didn't kick anyone out, we were alowed in, and because of this, most of the Muslims left.

41 posts

No, here's what happened. The Jews got conquered by the Romans, but they weren't kicked out. Anyone who's read the New Testament of the Bible knows that. By the way, Israel had been conquered several times before that. Anyway, then after the Roman Empire colapsed, Muslims came into Israel, and most of the Jews ended up leaving. Then the Crusades came along, and the Muslims held their ground. After that, things were quiet for a few centuries, as far as European powers invading the Middle East goes. Most of that is insignificant anyway. Then, after WWII and the Holocaust, Jews came to the newly formed UN, basically pleading for a common home, Israel. So the UN goes up, and says,'Okay, Israel is now a nation, blah blah, we will give protection to Jews trying to come into Israel, etc. etc., and pretty much pisses the Muslims off. Here they are, living like their great-great-great grandfather had, and they're kicked off their land. I know I'm probably missing a lot, but at least I'm not as ignorant as buzzmerin.

755 posts

you said yourself, that the jews had o leave their own land.
so i do not see a reason why they should not get some land to live again. thats what the un did.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Israel before the arrival of the Israelite people was known as Canaan, the citizens of that country were not Jews. The Israelites destroyed many major Canaanite cities such as Jericho, Ai and Hazor. The Israelites invaded the land of Canaan (Israel) and also the Romans did not ever force them to leave their country.

755 posts

Jewish presence in the region dwindled after the failure of the Bar Kokhba revolt against the Roman Empire in 132 CE and the resultant large-scale expulsion of Jews.

so much about the jews never being thrown out ouf their country.
and yes this post counts even if its wikipedia. if you want proof from other sources search via google and you will see that all sources will validate this
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Mea Culpa I had forgotten about the Bar Kokhba revolt. Many Jews were expelled. They were also sold as slaves, the majority of the population was killed or was forced to leave the country. The Jews were forced to leave, so this should make them avoid trying to do the same things to the Muslim population of Israel.

887 posts

It makes sense that is their old home but making the palestians move wasn't a good choice and the end result was a major disagreement.

349 posts

I say no, It happened so is oer and done with, So its all good

227 posts

as soon as Israel was legalized as a country, at the same day, Israel was attacked by 7 Muslim countries, after this, most Muslims left or fought with those countries. If Muslims were kicked out, then explain why there are still 1million Muslims living there.

887 posts

as soon as Israel was legalized as a country, at the same day, Israel was attacked by 7 Muslim countries, after this, most Muslims left or fought with those countries. If Muslims were kicked out, then explain why there are still 1million Muslims living there.

They don't want to leave the place they come from?
1,416 posts

you said yourself, that the jews had o leave their own land.
so i do not see a reason why they should not get some land to live again. thats what the un did.

So if any people lose land, they should automatically get it back?

So Russia should just get Eastern Europe. The Native Americans should get back the US. The Germans should get Poland, France, The Netherlands, and Belgium. Japan should be given China and Korea. Turkey deserves most of the Middle East, and SE Europe. Iran would also have a claim to Greece according to your logic. Greece would have a claim to half the world. Egypt should get...

I think you get the point. Just because a group loses a piece of land, that doesn't mean they deserve it back. The Jews had no right to invade and take over Israel at the expanse of millions of Muslims. The Muslims had been there for hundreds of years, and firmly established their own state.

1,287 posts

Israel before the arrival of the Israelite people was known as Canaan, the citizens of that country were not Jews. The Israelites destroyed many major Canaanite cities such as Jericho, Ai and Hazor. The Israelites invaded the land of Canaan (Israel) and also the Romans did not ever force them to leave their country.

So why don't we give it to the descendants of the Canaan. Why don't we go back even FURTHER?

The answer: The past locations of people does not in any way govern where they live in todays world. Except in the case of Israel, and that is wrong. Making Israel a nation was a mistake because it sets a bad prescedence (right word? =P) for similair events to happen in the future.

ex. Quebec's possible seperation from Canada, due to the fact that the English took them over.
1,287 posts

So if any people lose land, they should automatically get it back?

Oops, you beat me to the point D:
84 posts

Canaan was there much long before the Jews... much longer. And then the Jews left Egypt, freely. They could have stayed. They left, which then the leader of Eqypt sent out a Army to get them back to the country, they were destoryed. Then the Jews were looking for a new land to live in...and *God* let them destory the Cannanits? Sometimes I question him, If he is a almighty god, why would be give perrmision for a the Jews to kill almost the entire Cannan civiliazation for there own land, the Jews killed men, woman and children. Barbaric, unhuman. Even Ceszar of Rome didn't kill Woman or Children, (only if the seige machines hit them. e.g. Catapult).

5,838 posts

I remember in a general studies lesson about "art and architecture" we had a 50 minute debate about the israeli conflict why it started and is it right etc. I say debate it was 12 retards asking "where Israel is" and "Is Jewish the same as Judaism" and a few of us debating the issue.

AS stated it is stupid to say "the Jews were there first" mainly becasue they weren't but also becasue that just isn't how the world works. School rules apply "on your feet loose your seat" granted they were on their feet due to alot of oppression etc.

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