Movie? i might see it. Read the books, liked them, but... Movies based off of books don't usually turn out well in my opinion *coughharrypottercoughhackwheeze*
I loved the books. Brilliant, brilliant. Unfortunately, as poison said, movies based on books don't turn out that well*coughEragoncoughepicfailcough*, but I'm still going to rent the movie at some point. Maybe it'll be the exception.
I've seen the trailer, and I've read the book. Personally, I don't think it'll turn out well. From the trailer alone, I could tell that they were going to dramatize it. Gotta hate those movie directors. =(
The movie will be ruined by bad child actors, along with most likely bad special effects and costumes. I've read all the books, and I predict that this will turn out badly.
I'm defiantly going to go see it cause I've read about one or two of the books and they where good and i wanted to see if the movie was going to just as good as the book, plus if it gets me away from my family I'm defiantly going to go see it lol