Okay what's your favourite Harry Potter movie.Mine's definetly the 6 it's boring it's the 7.
the first for were great the 5th and 6th sucked
Great answer trayzrulz.
I think the 6th was one of the best.
the third one and first.
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Hey I got 100 posts going for 200 know. In the 6th movie did that hand poping out of the water freak you out.(harry and dumbldore were on the island).
mines the 4th
i meant the 5th
Deffinetly the 6th.And all the movies are so much better when you also read the books !I am really looking forward to see the 7th.Best book of the serie !
Mine is the newest released movie, the 6th.
Ya that movie was done very well.
The 6th was the best outof all of them.
Loony Luna? Her? Anyway, I liked the fifth and sixth.
Good I agree with you ultimatetitan.
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