I've heard on the radio that people have a video of Micheal walking from the ambulance into the hospital. I don't think it's real but I want to hear if you think Micheal Jackson is died or not.
[quote]If Jackson's alive, so is Hitler, Elvis, Muhammad, and Alexander the Great.
But the thing about Micheal Jackson is that he had a lot of debt. i dont know how often you watch the news but there was a guy who had a plane and jumped out of it while it kept goin and crashed into the ocean. Everyone presumed he was dead until he was found hiding in trailer park or campground(cant remember exactly) because he accumalted his debt. Also for the whole he was put in the grave he couldve had a replica made from him such as a wax figure or something.
Jackson is dead because of food poisoning he had 12 year old nuts ;D no but rilly he is dead somthing about a drug over dose but im stiking with the 12 year old nut case lol ;D