Alright, if you need any help with Halo 3 Singleplayer (it's too big a game and there are way too many strategies to post them all) just post it here. And if you have any tips, please post them. I will try to help you as much as possible on it as long as it isn't Multiplayer. (example: "I'm stuck on the mission "The Storm" at the end with the Scarab. It keeps on killing me before I can blow away at its legs." Me- "Well, in the back of that small area there are missle pod turrets there. Go the left (when you are on one) of them until you see what looks sortof like a tower with a pole at the end. That's an elevator. Try going up that and then go to the end. When the scarab gets close you can then jump on top of it and you'll be able to take it out while it's walking. But be careful on the pole. A fall would kill you."