ForumsWEPRthe global worming debate (its bull)

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22 posts

ok theres lots said about globle worming lately befor obama became president and he said he can make "change" when he says this word hes meaning that he wants to change global warming, high taxes, life insherince, ect. I think recicleing is good and geting hybrids ect. but what im saying that some people get way too serious on it like obama he says he can stop global worming(thats bull)how i see it when he says that is that he plans to stop it in a week or a month or a year whutever lingth of time he plans whitch is bull. hears the funny thing about the media too there acasonaly talk about global worming and how its afecting things well 8 years from now around 2001 there were worying about GLOBAL COOLING!(LOL)They were so woried about it they were planing if it gets too cold they were going to put hot ash on the polar caps!(Now thats what i call man made polution and global worming at the same time)yet they act like today when they are talking about global worming they act like the never talked about global cooling so isent that bull or whut???So you can wory about a speaces becoming instinct or that theres too mutch trash on are earth (or your room =) )but when they wory about global worming you can say (no rilly you can) that it is bull....And no peeing on a spark plug will not stop global worming. =)

  • 14 Replies
84 posts

Global warming is happening and in a few decades, the oceans will rise to a deadly level.

1,455 posts

Global warming is happening and in a few decades, the oceans will rise to a deadly level.

It's amazing how you end the debate just by stating the standpoint of the other side. You can't create facts; you use facts to form opinions. So either cite the facts that indsiputably conclude this or it's an opinion.

I don't understand how we can KNOW what will happen in the future, and I don't think that humans would be able to have such a huge impact on the destiny of the planet itself. If global warming is real, someone please explain how we can actually reverse it. As I understand it, all we can do is slow it down. Correct me if I'm wrong.
41 posts

I believe you all need a refesher on global warming. Global warming is caused by greenhouse gasses (gasses that trap heat, such as carbon dioxide and methane) being emmited into the atmosphere, at least in this case. Other times, global warming is caused by increased volcanic activity (which also emits greenhouse gasses). At times, climate change has caused mass extinctions. So, no matter the root cause, we have discovered that Earth has had a climate with higher tempuratures over the past one hundred to two hundred years. Following this, it should make sense that even if Earth is going through natural cycles, such natural cycles have caused mass extictions, something humans in general would want to avoid, as it could eliminate our food sources. Now, to try to keep this from happening, we should decrease our emissions, for even though it may not be the root cause of global warming, is definately contributing to it. Now Big, we could reverse global warming, but it won't happen if only because many rich people do not care. Even if we did, it wouldn't last forever. One thing we could do was cover heat absorbing land with white sheets, and we could make our asphalt, which makes the nearby land several degrees higher just by absorbing heat, white, which would have a near opposite effect. Doing that, along with encouraging the planting of trees, preferably with money, and we could possibly reverse global warming.

4,097 posts

Global worming!!

like obama he says he can stop global w[i]a[i]rming

Obama never said he could stop global warming, he simply hopes to slow down the effects. Then maybe after decades of "green" living, we can start to reverse the effects.

the media

Don't take anything the general media says too seriously. Nothing politics related, at least.
1,455 posts

Now Big, we could reverse global warming, but it won't happen if only because many rich people do not care.

Thanks, I wasn't sure if we could or not. The only thing is that I don't like going to very extreme measures. I don't mind recycling, I do my best to save paper and stuff; but I'm not going to live in the dark or use my arm instead of paper. Obviously these are not the actual suggestions, but I'm just being a bit extreme there.
Once again, thanks for clarrifying.
588 posts


66 posts

Global warming is not 'bull', as you said. Global Warming/Cooling is a real thing, and it will happen, and it has before. The Earth heats to an extreme temperature, which melts the glaciers and makes water rise and such. After the heating, the world begins cooling, and eventually into another Ice Age. Now, we most likely won't be alive in the extreme points of either of these, but they will happen eventually.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Global warming is a fact, it has happened before and it will happen again. That's the reason why about 20,000 years ago there was the ice age. The temperature of the earth rises and the nature has to do something to cool down the earth. The only debatable point is how much we did cause it.

41 posts

@goumas13 Hey, how can global warming, I repeat, warming, cause an ice age? Not directly. Global cooling causes Earth to cool down, which is the opposite of global warming. And guess what, there was more than one ice age. Besides, the ice age you're talking about is ten thousand, not twenty thousand, years ago.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Changes in Earth's atmospheric composition (especially the concentrations of greenhouse gases) may alter the climate, while climate change itself can change the atmospheric composition (for example by changing the rate at which weathering removes CO2).
After the global warming has to follow a global cooling, so the climate keeps it's balance.
The ice ages where four at least, that means that there where also many global warnings.
The ice age ended about 10,000 years ago, but was at it's peek 20,000 years ago.

41 posts

Very good, goumas, however, you still have to get over that the last ice age wasn't the ice age, it was a ice age.

144 posts

Green is right. He never said he would stop it, just slow down the effects. I think that you are bull, trying to tell us all this false information.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

you still have to get over that the last ice age wasn't the ice age, it was a ice age.

Of course it wasn't the ice age, it wasn't even the most severe one.
41 posts

@ grandslam, First of all, who is he? Secondly, explain to me why it is bull, and I might dicide to argue with you. In conclusion, this is not false information.

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