Theres a easier glitch for NaN gold but it dosent work on all sites and from then on you cant save or it will delete any save in that slot and it will become emty. When you first start you have 1 line of men. Move the last man on to the front line to the second. Save the game then refresh the screen or exit the game and get back on and when you look at your men. On the first line you will have a soldier that blinks to different soldiers. Sell that soldier and you will have NaN gold to me this seems longer but it gets really easy once you know what to do.
And something that will help you beat the game is get tons of archers or ranged troops then on th island at the top try to take them over its hard but they got the best troops. If you get these troops buy the men with axes on your first and second line and put archers for back ups
Lol, if you start off with far east and raise your Duel and Far East empire, use duel weapons, and waste enough men until you can buy those black ninja's your fine.
The black samurai dude are completely unbeatable. From then on you just go on conquering. [Even though keep about 3-7 Elite Archerers behind them] and soon you'll get uber rich. xP not a cheat, but easy way to win. I ended the game with over half a million.
Yeah the team at the top with those guys ont he horses and they have gold axes those are the best and the other cheat for nan gold is confusing to me but maybe it might help you below where it says mine
Im not sure what sites this cheat works on but i know it works on the other cheat is
Make a new game. Next go to any city you want. Fight it and die. Do not load but go to the main menu. Then make a new game. After that the city should be owned by you.
Other good games yall should try is flash hero and super crazyguitarman2 you can play both on theyre games like guitar hero but with a keyboard