plz help me on colony lv 5 and 6 can someone tell me a good strategey plz i reaLLY WANT TO COMPLETE IT
For mission 5 make armory, outpost, armory, outpost. Make only tanks and marines. Do not push too far before you have a critical mass of them.
WHAT?!?!?!?!? no way. i disagree. i've actually tried that before, cuz i was desperate, and i lost instantly almost.
Why did you bump this dead thread, troopdude?It's not on the rules but the mods don't appreciate it.But contributing to the topic...For level 5 - Special Ops missles + prides
I don't know how you failed but as I tried it still works like a charm. One outpost for marine and the other for tanks can easily drive the enemy back and proceed to win.
I agree with firetail_madness
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