Tips and tricks When you play "The infection" it is good to spare your ammo. So when the small tiny pigs attacks you just use your knife and save your ammo for bosses and men that attack you with guns. A good tactic if you dont want to lose health is to duck you at crates when enemies attack you from faraway, and then shoot over the crate while ducking. The three bosses The first boss: On the first boss that use his bats make sure you got a sniper rifle. Ignore the bats and try to dodge them while shooting him with your sniper rifle. Thats the fastest way to kill him for sure. The second boss: On the second boss its good to have a sniper rifle or a grenade launcher. When the second boss eyes are open shoot as many shots as you can on them. It will drain his life quickly. Dont think about your ammo, he will send men out that will attack you. Shoot them or knife them and they will drop ammo to that gun you are using. The third and last boss: On the last boss it is best to use a grenade launcher. Shoot his eye every time its black. He will also send men that will drop ammo when you kill them. You cant hit the eye while standing on the ground, just jump up to the eye every time you want to hurt him.
Video walktrough I've maded a video walktrough to show all who dont understand the things that i writed. Its basicaly a video where i just play the game trough, but i'll show the things with text and stopped pictures. Find the video walktrough here: