Bob You go out to search for your mother. After 5 minutes of walking, you spot another Ceratosaurus. It looks weak and tired. It also has scratches, bruises and cuts. What now?
Bob You search for some dinos to kill. A baby T-Rex is spying on you in a bush. It pops out and runs toward you. It looks very puny and weak. What now?
DC You run towards the sound and finally, you find a group of 3 male raptors. What now?
Bob You try to take down the T-Rex but suddenly, the mother appears. It stares and then it roars! What now?
DC You walk up to them. They hiss at you and run away. What now?
Steve You walk to a nearby cave and lay down to sleep. The next morning, the ground is still shaking you see dust clouds outside. Then, you see large, white objects moving across the place. What now?