ummmmm I think you have it backwards. Donna was way more needed than jackie.... and most of the stuff JACKIE was needed in was stupid.
I hated that behemoth Donna, she was just a stupid character. Jackie on the other hand was a lot more funny, and IMO, she would of been better then Donna as Eric's girlfriend.
Red Forman is the funniest, and my favorite. everything he says is pretty much funny half the time its about sticking his foot up someone's ass
my favorite three foot in ass moments are.... 1.) ".....before i launch my foot up your ass!" 2.) "I wish i had 1000 feet so i could stick 200 feet up all of your asses." 3.) "....your foot is going up his ass."
when Red says anything about his foot + someone's ass i always laugh.
that I agree with completely. leo is the best and fez comes in a very close second. if leo were in every episode like fez is, leo would win by a whole lot more than he does now.
I am only 25, and I know of That 70's show... It's really good man, you should check it up...
Hyde: Dude, if you don't watch that 70's show, I will kick your ass... Red: And I will show my foot up your ass Eric: and I will... Go play with my Star War's collectibles Kelso: Haha, Eric is gonna go play with his dolls! Eric: Come here princess laya... I won't let any one hurt you... Jackie: Oh grow up...