Hello everyone. My name is Arigos, i have created a guide for TWHG for those who need that. I got some tips for the difrent types of levels.
Up & Down levels ( Exemply level 2 ) The background of the maps are looking like a chess board. On these levels you should take advatage of this. Since you know that each enemie cover one line each, simply walk one step at time and you will be on the other side in no time.
Circel moving levels ( Exemply level 23 ) Right afther a line of enemies pass you, hurry and run into the middle to gain speed enough to not be cought up by the enemies. Go out to the sides to grab the yellows and then hurry run back into the middle again to regain speed and controll
Squire moving levels (Exemply level 16) These levels may look soo hard. But they are not, it got nothing with tactic to do, but how your eye see's the level. If you look at all the enemies walking in squires you will get dizzy and killed Only look on the few enemies beside you. Then you will find that you can go around them using a Z formation. Its quit easy when you first learn it.
These are the 3 level types i wanted to talk some about. If you have special levels you cannot beat, Feel free to speak to me in my messagebox. I love to help Arigos
I did read this, but it didn't help much. Good job for taking the initiative for making a walkthrough though. I personally had to analyze the levels for about 5 minutes before I could do some of the harder ones.
i dont know about anyone else but the fact that i died 321 times to finish the game proves that it truly is the world's hardest game. However, also one of the most awesome games around
I really like the guide! I mean it helped out a lot but that's only a guide that doesn't help you beat the game but I respect that you actually took the time to write out a Walkthrough!
Oh, that one? It needs practice. First off, see the amount of time it takes for the arms to start moving again. Wait till one arm crosses you, then quickly get into the middle. But, the moment it stops, start counting the seconds. As soon as you finish counting, move to the left, so that you will be moving right behind the arm. Go in a circle formation, collect the yellow circle and come back as fast as you can. Keep practising. If this doesnt work, analyze the level and figure out your own tactics. Thats what I did.