I need some serious <blink><b>HELP</b></blink>!!!! I cannot find a single way to get the dragon trainer achievement.
ehh... I thought html worked in these... ignore the <blink>s.
Pretty sure it's impossible unless you do something weird, because for me...doing 2 dragon tamer+1 forest just doesn't work It takes 48 weeks to get dragon tamer, so you'd only have 4 weeks for stress removal...
its so hard.
i beat the entire game and i only have like 5 achievments... i even got 100% dragon trainer maxed and i didnt get the achievment... lol
how did u got 100% ?
yeah how did u get 100% in about 20 weeks?
You can't get 100% dragon trainer, its impossible.If you do the math, and incorporate resting, then you have a lie on your hands, my good sir.
What exactly is the point of the dragon trainer, then?
To spot out cheaters, maybe?
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