So as many people know (i think) Taylor swift had won an award for best music video a little while ago. Anyways this Kenye guy decides to be a major stick up the you know what that night, and says in front of everyone that beyonce shoulda won while Taylo swift should have been accepting her award... No offense to beyonce (im sure her video was pretty good) but the crowd started to boo him, and taylor swift thought they were booing her... Now it takes alot of composure to be able to stand in front of a crowd and say a speech while thinking they 're all booing you, but somehow Taylor Swift managed to accomplish this... I must say I have much, much more respect for taylor swift then I ever have had before... But as for Kenye, lets just say this guy is pretty much lower than low could possibly get. His music has become soley based upon other legends of music (Jamie Foxx, Daft Punk, just to name a few).. Its like this idiotic person needs attention, and Im sorry kanye, but south park was 99% correct about you.. (Sorry to say, your not a g.ay fish). The fact that even Obama the president of the USA thinks this guy is a fool should tell you enough... Anyways Kenye West = FAIL, not only in music, but also in life.
I think that Kanye West was really being rude. I think that Taylor Swift should have been like... "Hey get off the stage I won the award." I should would have done that if I was her.
It's crazy how the Kanye speech has become an instant meme - I started seeing references to it EVERYWHERE like 2 or 3 days after it happened. I'm willing to bet that this will be the moment that people will remember him by for years to come.