I really am. Because, quite frankly, you are driving me nuts. I'm not sick of you because of what you believe in, but how freaking blind you are. This doesn't include a lot of you, but many of you are seriously becoming a blind, economically deficient set of individuals. You keep going on and on and on about how great communism and socialism are, and yet, you say capitalism is the freaking devil incarnate. You never once admit that there are flaws in the system, you never once did that. While I, myself a capitalist extremist, can honestly say that there are many flaws in the system. That leads me to believe that many, I repeat MANY, of you are far beyond extremism. You are completely beyond that point. I have yet to see some of you so much as mention the words 'flaw' and 'communism' in so much as the same post. In my personal opinion, while many of you preach open mindedness like a fanatical group of zealots, and preach atheism in the same way, you are a religious group of communists. You are nothing more than what you preach against.
I wonder how Bronze will respond to that >>.>> Lawl XD
Ha, he wishes he had a Southern accent. Also, southern accent is a very general term, many areas in the South have their own dialect. If I had the accent from someone, well lets say Boston I would probably cut out my tounge.
Ranking Accents.
1. Irish 2. Australian 3. Virginian (A Southern form)