
14 3420
8,570 posts

Now, let's be honest with each other. Nothing happens in this forum but arguing, and yet again, let's be honest: none of us is ever actually going to change someone's beliefs via a flash gaming website. Right? I mean, all of us are so stubborn in what we believe that we tend to let what other people say go in one ear and out the other, and just argue for the sake of arguing.
So, my question; isn't it kind of pointless? I mean, come on, it's like those missionaries that walk up to the door. You invite them in and take their pamphlets but you don't actually listen to them, and when they leave you toss their pamphlets in the trash. Or when a political candidate recording leaves you a message telling you to vote for them, and their views, etc, you don't actually listen, you just delete the comment.
My point is, debating is fun, but it doesn't actually do anything. In fact, all it does, from my point of view, is invite battle. I mean, sometimes these things get heated, and sometimes, people use the WEPR forum as an excuse to flame. So is it really worth it?
And besides, if you think, it's actually kind of contradictory and paradoxical.
For example, atheist v.s. Christian. An atheist doesn't believe in God, so why are they arguing over the principle of God instead of just ignoring those who they believe to be ignorant and letting them believe what they want? They're just like trolls, kind of. The more attention you give a religion, even to disprove it, increases its fame, and thus, its members, and thus, its money. I mean...
I would like your opinions.

  • 14 Replies
9,462 posts

atheist v.s. Christian. An atheist doesn't believe in God, so why are they arguing over the principle of God instead of just ignoring those who they believe to be ignorant and letting them believe what they want?

Well these gives a few examples of why an atheists would care.
Why do Atheists care about religion?
Why do atheists care about religion?

As to the main subject of the matter, I find the debate process to be rather informative at times. I can't speak for others but I don't just disregard what is being said to me. While I will consider what you say I won't always agree though.

So yes there is a point to debating it allows us to see each others points of view. We might not change anyone's mind. We might not always agree. We might have a hard time understanding how the other person can think what they think. But you never know.
320 posts

This is the entire point of a debate forum.

So what if people argue passionately. It's fun to do so.

Honestly I love watching people get annoyed over the fact that people actually argue at all.

Atheists try to spread their word across the internet because Atheists are the most discriminated against people in the world. So maybe there are a few reasons why they try to point out why they don't believe.

Just stop complaining and be happy this is such an active forum. I enjoy whupping people in debating.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Debating is one of the best ways to learn and gives also a reason to think. It's important knowing what the others support and think about what you say, because when you don't share your opinions you can't improve.

There is an old saying: When everyone is thinking the same thing, no one is thinking very much.
Byron Dorgan

262 posts

Now, let's be honest with each other. Nothing happens in this forum but arguing, and yet again, let's be honest: none of us is ever actually going to change someone's beliefs via a flash gaming website. Right? I mean, all of us are so stubborn in what we believe that we tend to let what other people say go in one ear and out the other, and just argue for the sake of arguing.

First of all, the WEPR forum is designed to debate. There is no getting around the fact that people will always have opposing views on politics and religion. Personally, I do not post to change peoples minds, I post to state my points of view and to keep the thread going. There would be no more then the OP if people steered away from debating ...therefore, what would be the point of the World Events, Politics, and Religion forum?
262 posts

I am sorry, I am going to correct my statement from above, there may be more then the OP if people didn't debate, but it would be the OP quoted and people stating "I agree" or something of that nature. Boring.

9,821 posts

It's a debate forum - that's all. You're trying to assign a special meaning to debating on the forum of a flash gaming site. Wer'e not trying to change minds, we're trying to exercise them.

950 posts

I post to state my points of view and to keep the thread going.

588 posts

Fuck off, seriously, stop trying to tell us to not debate on the debate forum.

69 posts

**** off, seriously, stop trying to tell us to not debate on the debate forum.


NUT! It seems that the 'debate' part left and has turned into squabbling, no one is actually receiving a satisfying debate because the argument level has increased to the height of flaming.

And it always will be. It always has. En masse the posts and all you have is riled up peices of **** saying "OMFG FU 4 NT BLEEVING IN 2ND LAW OF THERMODYNAMIKZ!!"

But for some reason the smart people stay and continue to argue ferociously proving their point, excersizing their mind, possibly invoking new ideas/sparking other brains. I might not change your mind, but I will do my best to enlighten you on the beauty of this world and try to kill your ignorance with you trying to kill my ignorance -- Even if, in the midst of all that there are flame posts and me tellin' some n00b to **** off.
4,097 posts

NUT! It seems that the 'debate' part left and has turned into squabbling, no one is actually receiving a satisfying debate because the argument level has increased to the height of flaming.

I haven't debated much lately, but if you can ignore the people who flame you can still get good debates in.
4,097 posts

I don't think you guys really get what he's trying to say. He's not telling us not to debate, but that we shouldn't get so worked up about it. Some people get way too serious and piss people off, when in the end, what are you going to achieve through debating on a flash game website? At least that's how I took it.

8,570 posts

Hold it guys. I'm not saying that debating should stop. That's like telling a kid not to eat candy; as pointless as arguing. You'll all do it anyway, I mean, it's going to happen. That's the point of the forum, and there are upsides, like you learn stuff and see things from other peoples' points of view.
But I just want to know why you debate? I mean, do you do it for the sake of knowledge? I mean, since not only are you offending people, you're doing not much at all? And why do you care so much about it, cussing people out and whatnot? It doesn't make a difference, and if you look, you're just as bad as they are.

1,287 posts

But I just want to know why you debate? I mean, do you do it for the sake of knowledge?

I debate because it's fun. 3/4 of the time I'm debating for the side I don't agree with, I like it and think it's a good brain exercise

why do you care so much about it, cussing people out and whatnot?

I have never sworn in the world events, politics, and religion forum.
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