another one of my great polls. which one of these two older sitcoms do you prefer? I vote for friends.friends: 1seinfeld: 0
Put me up there for Friends as well.
friends: 2seinfeld: 0
another one of my great polls
friends: 2seinfeld: 1
Freinds was a soap. Seinfled FTW!
friends: 2seinfeld: 3
I'd have to go with Seinfeld hands down. Friends isn't even in the same league with Seinfeld.
friends: 2seinfeld: 4
They're both great,but Seinfield wins.
friends: 2seinfeld: 6
SeinFeld All the way.
friends: 2seinfeld: 7
i like 'em both, but i only own the 1st 4 seasons of seinfeld at the moment. that's because getting the friends series was a priority for me. Friends is my vote.
I watch all the reruns of friends its awsome.
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