Hey, so I'm taking a concept from Warcraft and applying it here.
What is teching? Teching is when you neglect to build any units and instead upgrade all of your buildings to the highest tiers, saving your resources for the higher level units, thus winning the technology war.
Your ally becomes very important here. They should be able to make enough early units so that you can concentrate on your macromanagement instead of defence, although sometimes you may have to build a few units early on.
Your government should be Fascist for this. Both of these tactics rely on the stalling power of your teammate, and good micromanagement is very important.
-= If your buddy is air and you are ground =-
1. First, obviously, build a Bank. Upgrade it as soon as you hit $50. 2. Then build an Armory. Set it to gain money. 3. Then build another Armory. Again, set it to gain money. 4. Once you hit $40, build an Outpost. Upgrade it to a Barracks as soon as possible. 5. Upgrade your Barracks to an Arsenal as soon as you hit $80. Once you do, immediately switch both of your Armories from cash to people. 7. Start pumping out Black Queens.
After you have set up: A) Retreat your BQ's if you see Sakata MK-2s coming and pump out mass Marines. B) Always keep one or two waves of Marines in front of your BQs in case of missiles, unless you're on Cold War. C) Remember to be flexible; If you need to start pumping out Hover Tanks, don't be afraid to do so. D) If you start to run low on Energy, switch one of your Armories to gain Energy. E) Note that you can keep pumping out Marines without worrying about the available people resource if you have 2 Armories going.
-= If your buddy is ground and you are air =-
1. First, as above, build a Bank. Upgrade it as soon as you hit $50. 2. Then build an Armory. Set it to gain money. 3. Then build a Generator. Upgrade it as soon as possible. 4. Once you hit $40, build a Forge. Upgrade it fully as soon as possible. 5. Now you are set up!
After you have set up: A) You can make one wave of Scouts, then a wave of Phantoms behind them. B) Set your Armory to gain money if you are building Phantoms. C) In the late-game, use Gladiators. They are really hard to kill, and can be really good in waves. D) If you put a lot of Scouts right outside firing range of the enemy base, but close enough to hit units that spawn as they come out, you can keep them from ever building up an army. E) If you find yourself with somewhere like 300-400 cash and 100-200 energy, and you aren't on Cold War, demolish your Forge and build a Special Operations center. Then bomb all of their guys and their base to death! F) Kill off BQs with Sakata MK-2s backed by your friend's Hover Tanks or Romans to cover the ground.
Any thoughts? If you've been winning a lot with this, tell me!
Hey thanks! Good guide by the way. Hopefully I can use this some time later on. It's hard for me to work it because the allies I get are completely stupid.
Armory first is more efficient than bank first. That way, you can get to groditz, snipers, MK IIs and phantoms faster. Also, armories generate money faster than banks overall.
I would rather be caps because fascists works better for forge and commies work better for outpost and caps are in between, thus being more versatile. Also, you don't need to build buildings fast when you are teching up, caps provides money quicker which is more important when teching.
Good job though, the more strategies floating out there the better.
What i do is make a bank, and fill the rest with armorys.Then get rid of bank and build foge/outpost and make sakatas or snipes.Sometimes it backires if someone is a rusher.
What i do is make a bank, and fill the rest with armorys.Then get rid of bank and build foge/outpost and make sakatas or snipes.Sometimes it backires if someone is a rusher.
Always look for a roman rush. As soon as you see the first roman get dished out the only thing you should worry about is getting a CT out.
Seems that outpost = defends against rushes and forge = rusher, cause if you have a roman rush sent at your...you either... A) Make romans! B) Make scouts!
Both of which fail, as roman vs roman = they win for a bit, and scouts build too slowly and are single target.
If you have to choose from scout or roman to defend a roman rush get romans. Scouts may not be attacked by romans but they simply don't have enough fire power to effectively halt a bunch of romans. I'm going off the fact that you have no units to defend with yourseld with when you see a rush coming.