I hate to admit, but there are times when a movie just gets to me, I usually don't let any tears fall out, but the feeling is still there.
2 things really make me sad in movies.
1. When a dog (occasionally other animals) dies: Not random evil dogs, but the ones that are a main character. Like Old Yeller and the dog Sam from I am Legand.
2. When somebody dies protecting someone or for what they truly believe in. Examples are the scene when Boromir dies in LOTR, when Stonewall Jackson dies in Gods and Generals, and when Jesus Christ dies in Passion of the Christ (don't care what you believe, it is sad nonetheless).
No, the love stories don't get to me, its already bad somethings make me want to cry...
So are any of you man enough to admit it? (that goes out to the ladies as well) I mean come on, its the internet, who cares?
The last time I cried in a movie is when I watched King Kong, because I had to pee SO bad, but I didn't want to miss the movie. That's not exactly what you meant is it?
To be honest, I'm something of an emotionless prick. A movie has never given me a serious emotional reaction. After Marley died, I said 'Wow, let's go watch Schindler's List to cheer up. At least they didn't overplay the sadness.'
Yeah, I'm a total douchebag when it domes to sad movies.