Yup, put your Halo shenanigans here folks. Help make a cleaner, greener forums!
i was going to say put gravit on 100 speed200 andjump 200 and use evad
Halo is an ok game and it definitly got better over the years. Halo Reach is best.
Yes Halo is a awesome series. I need to get the games. Witch one should I get everyone?
Yeah, firefight is awesome. I like all of the games modes pretty much. Campaign gets a little boring, but it's still fun. After I finish it on Legendary, I will only do the campaign for commendations and challenges.
Halo is the best game series. I have all of them.
Halo is pretty much the best. Good job on playing it everyone.
halo is so much fun to play! i only like halo 3 more than reach because i dont have/havent played reach
i like halo but is halo1 and halo2 good ive only played halo3 halowars halo odst and halo reach
Haloman77:Yeah they're good but i personally think number one is the best.
halo reach is da best game in halo series i love the custimize your character option.
I like reach the best but 3 is fun too.
Halo is kinda getting old O.o maybe try something new people? Like Elder Scrolls! Now theres a game!
And Elder Scrolls isn't old? The franchise is older than Halo.Halo's re-playability is amazing. You just need good friends on it, and you have to keep up with the file browser.
When you have some mates its tons of fun to have a big game of custom games.When you get good maps and game types that is.
I love Halo Reach but the thing is that it is hard to rank up when you don't have live.
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