depending,the map pack & stuff was the same,the only thing diferent was the campain.
Right, I had every map pack except one, so I didn't get many maps. However I didn't mind the campaign. I didn't enjoy the parts with the Rookie, I was just no good at those for some reason. However, the parts with different members of the team was fantastic. Not to mention that the ending was pretty cool.
I actually kinda hate Halo! it got the worst graphics evar!!!1 (sorry Halo lovers) But the worst Halo game is Halo 3!
What. and u base this on what exactly. So a game is bad if the graphics suck. So you say that pacman and Mario suck because of the graphics. And Halo has 1 good story 2 good gameplay. 3 nice graphics 4 good sound.
Halo is so awesome that I bought the Legendary edition of Halo: Reach 2 months before it came out (Yes, the â¬150 version)... And I'm not disappointed, a very cool statue and a flaming helmet in multiplayer!